Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

-THURSDAY, OCTOBER VI, 191S PITTSBURGH SUN-TELEGRAPII Want Ads Only Gltant 5400 Other Departments, GRant 6100 CLOSE WITH NET Market Rallies'NEw yoRK EXCHANGE An Olv. Ticket reportod close at 5 F. H- AS Offermgs A A An Dtv I Mgr 3LoW IRtJeks 44 base Sales flirts Lew oc, tio-, eurtis.Wrigtit. A. 44) 1-'6 wet -N 12,,,, Cutlet 5 2t7.S HigrIll.ow Storks and Kato Mot tow Clow Cleat I I Dwindle 3431, Abbott Lab 1.6Oa 3 5PWi F4 SP-, S-1- I.

a gi 44 ri 7 12 b-, totp 14 1214 121A 12' S- 16 titA a 65 01 8: 67, 40 Air Pi-fiu lvii. Sit rbtrup Che 2 31S 91-S 1 LiNi A 00 14 201,4 10,11 NEW YORK, Oct. 20.Seectivel ,31 77,144: 131, 9 Doisrl Gil I 15, 4 15' a )uying gave the stock market 1734- 51, Altos a it xst 2 121,4 1114 l'212 11', 74'4'111)1 4- '-'l I qc t111117.4; 13 7 )9 2:: 17:: ecovery tinge today and weak is-1 I77s his Aneg 30 pt ww 11 13, I IA '2 8 2 'e Eg 1(191 4 ues of the preceding session camel rls A 40 pr ww 4 13 111,4 13 2 4 106, 76 DtroL diRon 6 I 109 sfl 3)3' Dilm Match i i1 IStrit frartitmt tri it rinint nr An 1712 Alloz Pr It iki il igi it 2 29 291 ..11 1 NEW YORK, Oct. 20.Seective I buying gave the stock market a 1 173 recovery tinge today and weak is- I77s BINS Of the preceding session came! it back fractions to a point or so. 1712 8 Atarkl Jun 27 -9- -4-7 1 1 co 43511f 14 201,41 1 W1.4 7,., rii- 25 1 1st, 9 Dilso 4sig 1 1) 1 4 15' 4 11'44 ,4 -r DI Zi 512 Allog ea 'pr xvi 1'A 214 1 I Hudscm.

VP 2 19 ti 197 i Ali, mieg 30 pt ww 14 127 1412 1, 4 4 Deg Lack Nk 13 73 4 7, 4, A Alkg 40 pi' 'gm 4 13 111-4 13 2 41113" 76 6g I 1(191 1 109 7, Anpg pr II 1 1611 15 16' IT 30 30.1 Dlam Match 11 a. 2 291i 291 i CHANGES 1 Av DN. Local Exchange IVA, I I mr im24 P.m, I isitot Lew C1014 0, ontinues 1:41, 3 1 IttA i :514 0 2tot Pt J. 1 1 9C4 19 .1 19'4 0 Iv Lot I 9 9 9 1 I Au! StIP S'n, I I IV, fl I (i Is 107 '4 AL, ,9,,, Peming ttn1 a 13 I -2 16' 8 O. I 1 I Li, Ileo 29 27 2'4 2:1 8 4- 1 Reit418 SI 1 R-r a 19 191 ii 1,2 Securi ties on the 49-'4 pal, pt I (,,3, CI 63 0 Exchange drifted in 7, i Cop Br 6 I 71 i Ill i 17f i I- lig narrow range today with volume 21-) 10 iC i 14' 4 45,,,, srrinr 4 I 11, 4 iv 01 girunning bekw the level of recent, li The fuel group quiet 1.t,vnitt.

It 2 9r, 21 4 4' 4 44' i illt ,.4 6., 8 71 4 7 i 7.. I and Nhowed, only minor varlatione 141a 04n Antelpe .3,14. 31.2,77' 4 31 B. 3213- i 01 i itcroarniintahse 13 I 4 4, 7 i B'i 2 63 0 Exchange drifted in 17f-ii lig narrow range today with volume 14' 4 0 5.running below the level of recent II' lot The fuel group was quiet 7 4 showed only minor variations 1W 0 from the 1)1N-wits day's c1oln. 32 Dealings in the heavy industrials Net WV4 An 1111, Nt.t I 1V441 Avi My so Risk Loll Stocks Est.

Sate. 'Usk Low Voss 3 oo, 3,, L. 14c 11-4 Lambert Ob 11a. 6 1340; 120 5 13' a 7,,, 11,4 Lobo strsost CIA to ,4, tik 4, 11 ft 1'41 4t Lob torb, til Coed. It 1( 4 a )1 74k 3 14 541 5' 1 5 I I 4 29 19341 Lehtuon Cop 1 I 28 271, 4 23 8, -g' 194 Stole: 2 4 3 34 3i il 5'4'.

21'4, I'Ib 4) Cr 28 Si 541i 57 1 4 9 6 MrN 10 71 1 7 7' i 11 4 1001i SI Litt 4., I i 00 1110 WO 1 s'Ittt SIMI Lipsett 4k 19 SOPS i()i' i 4 37,1 Lim Loco 14 at; 3 35 1,6 21'4 12s Liquid Carb 11:4 5 IS' i IS IS 1 32 Luews Carp 2g L. 39 56' a 55 5,10 II L. 11,14 Lambert 6 340; Ili' 5 13' a 111 Lithe Erymat (7545 tik Vui coal. ,4 3 Letuatt Va.ley 14 551i 5 5 121 Lehman Cop I 28 271, 4 23 194 Lerner Storea 2- 4 35 34 33 23'5 Lib '16 28 Si 54' 57 6 Lib MrN 10 711 7 7i 81 Ligett 4a I 100 100 MO 511,4 4a, 13 lOiti 301 Lima Loco 14 at; 35 35 121 Liquid Carb 114 5 fit 33 Loews Corp 39 56s 55 55A 1 41 734 s4NS 1 4 ,9 1' 1 il 1111'i '4 274, 4 '61i Z11 151 2ro 7' 4 1091 2. 298 41 Jit 13 1, I An1 An Ani lc 1i 41 5112 Dussts 51 40 4101.4- 20 291's 7 ocil 2.1..

29-. 401 1314 iti 30' '1'8 r8-, IA tiot, i 40t, 1 41. Allen Inditet 7 IT 13 4 14 1,81 11 5 Mans Mot Al Allied 9 192 190 192 2 ii 2')Iii 11 D1 -F 2 2011131 213's 21(1; 71- '14' 6 -I 11 38 1 -1 81 ti-t' 1 s' 1 s3t 83, Allied Mills l'a 5 13 1234, 13 0 WW0 1 23 41, mit vs 2 1 Dochler Die 2 3 of 13 I $5. 1274 11 8 2, 2 2.3 3 2, 1 2 a tote Allied Stores pf 5 2 57o2 671 671v 1 347, 271, Dome IV 1net4 1g 5 32-t 31 4 32' -ii 11 Anis Chaim Dtg. 55 5s, 511,4 523 8 i 81 StS Dominion Storrs.

1 7 7 7 Amertide Corp 2 12 67,. 4 6474 67': 4 I' 4i 504 SI Dougiss Aircraft. 28 56 5f. 2 st it Am Ag Chem Iv" 2 26 26 26 12,14 irrs Dow ebem 3g 3 133 133 133 11 Am Note 70g. 6 20 19' 4 20 24 it Is Dre Mfg sser 2 21 21 21 1 til4 Amer Bosch 4 cl g3 i 51 4.

41 14 6 li Drescoc 51fg I 101i Wit 1 A 1m Bit Note 70g. toi Amer Bos ch 4 9 83 9 ail 4 10A 2011 241,0 15 Dresser 31fg 2 21 21 211, 14 filt Drpscor Mfg 1 104 4 itV4 4' I .8 1 0 4- 'Al I I 1 11i 0 0 htat 720 8 7'i, 8' a LOtu. Star el 3 22 kit 61 6I3 31 Long 11,11 laim A 7 4' 4' 4 11 Loose-W 1.134. 3 19 111' 4 19 131 Lorillard 1.20 12 201 29" 4 Al Lou Nash 21i8 2 46, a 47, a 48, 1, Ni 3i 3.1.'e 22 For 2a 9 29 29 29 0 J6 NI stek Truck 311 2 27 i 281 i2414 Mary tBli) Co 3. 34 46' a 45' 4 4 zi 10 Mad CM.

1.40g, 7 1814 irs, lgaerna Cop 9 37 351 37 0 4 Mandel Br om 1tt 2 8' 8'-4 8'4 1.: 21 Manh El nid its4 2 7" hi 71 9 Manhat Shirt .50 2 13'4 13,4 13'4 3 111 Maracaibo Oil 5 it 4,1 Marine Mid 52 5' 5, lt 5' i 514 Marshall Field 12 137 a 13' i Martin (Glenn) 27 39 28' llartin Parry 4 4 3' 3' a It 0 31asonire Corp la 7 581 58 58, i i 19 Math Alk 1143.. 23 321 4 32 32, 4- 1 2 q1i Dept St 3 4 5134, 61, 6 3- 161731artag 3 2 '26 26 26 1 4 AV, Corp 1 13 13 13 8 Stores 9 1214 1111, i 19 Fioe 1 3 18., 1814 I8i 1 Motraw Mil 2 II II II McIntyre l'oro 2- 2 49' '41' 48' 48 131 MeWeesport Tin 21 22 2114 110 5 nob 36 71 784 14 25 MoKes Rob 143 4 347 I 347 4 347 4 5 MLeIi Si la I Or 19,41 1- 61 Mead Corr 13" 13' 4 13 Shot 2.744 3 51 51 51 11 a 114t Mengel Co 11 6 57 0 291, Nit Itch 3s If) 43 42'i 42' I 4- 1 5 Miami Copper 25 12, a 12'4 1'8 121 4 Pet 22 1734 161 17s 793i Midland Stee1 343 13 267 a '26 257 a i 4614 2 86 851a 86 4 Minn Mol POW 18 6 AA4466 6644 ss 0 Ki I I- I 9 1 I' 4 0 0 1 I Ai 1,11 114 01 1.4 i 0' 8 0 11: 8 14 i a I 11, a I 4 4, i 0 I 0 1.4 is. 3 4 13 i :4 01000 CS 25' 6 f. 2ta 4 7' 9.1, 4 Dunhill 2 a .61,1 6 229 Pali ru i Pax 9 147 14571 147 Du de pt 4 117 117 117 E- 811 East Roll Milt, 3 6 574 6 1014 Eaton 810r 6 224 22 22' i 2 Elting 8,1104....,, 2 37 it 374 3Ys 4 21i Elec-Mu Ltd 32 3 2' 4 3 25 12,4 Eleo Auto IA 57 03' 4 34 11 6 Electric Roar 18 10'i 1011 103 14 61', Flee Pow 29 1214 I2 4614 21 Flee Lt 7 4211 4044 41' 4 4133 18 Hoe Lt $6 pf 2 3812 38 38 244.4, Fire Stor Est 2. 2 241,3 341 341 4 17 El Paso Gas 2 27118 27' 'a 2711 83 Nitiliott John 3 7 43 43 43 0 24,, 23 814 77,1 8 274, 114 Equit 0 1 2 2 2 61,3 13,3 Erte 2 21i 9,41.

23,3 1st pt 3 5 4' 2 47, 6 24, Eureka Vacuum 3 6 574 51's 15i 513 Evans i'mducts 13 1414, 14 1411 ii 8 Ex-Cell-0 16 IS 1811 19 30 Fairbanks IC- 2 3714 37 3714 3413 'atarilo Sugar 3g 2 3311 3214 3312 Ct. Fed Lt Tr l4 143 43 24 Fed Niqtor 4 5 5' 211 111A red Water Sorv I 11 29 121i Fed Dept St 1 4 2811 2874a 9031, 67IS Fed Drt St Pr 4t4 I 8914 89' 4 85'1 221E, Fid-P tns 1.60a 2 347,1 34 34, i 15ti Firegt Dig. 7 24 2311 24 96,4 76 Firrst rt S. 3 9511 95 951it 2441 First Nat St 7 36 351i 3571- 2918 Elintkote Co 17 281,1 27, 1933 Florence Stv 2 39 38! 3814- 3 17, FollanA4oe Bros 2 2 2 2 2354 11 Foster Wheeler- 5 247i 24 2424 27i f'ranctsco Sugar 2 47 474 412 19Tii Freeport Sul pit 2 4 271'a 271i VA, 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 21 0 53s 2'24 5041 8 2112 X11fi X1) 2.11; 44 49,4 17 89 1 9 I -4 24 1-41 7'S 14'4 31v14 V's 61 44 87 11-S 110, 12'i 41f 4 15 4 22 2574 '4 44 IliaL 34; 20 I'M 1 72T 1371i 1114 4 234g 20 Am wi Bosch rts 8 2i 2 2t I i Am Br Shoe 8 42,4 41 421i 14 Amer OM II 1013 4 1007i 101'4 1 Am Car Fdry Am CAE' pf 14 28'1, '28 28 t'',) 4 491 491 i 491 i 43 91i Am 19 22, i 22 224 A 4. Am Com Alcohol.

13 134 13' i 133i 14 Ani Cry if 13 12'S 12 12 0 21,3 Aln EIWAUS Tile 1 5'11 5, '4 51 i 14 21, Am For Power 17 4, it 4' 4' it 0 Am For Pw pt 3 201 4, 201-4 20, '4 51,, Am Ir 2d pt I I 1014 1014 10, '-a 0 liai An flaw 1 I 12 12 12 0 Am Dide Lea 12 47i 4'1 4' i 0 Arn Home 2.40. 4 4214 42' i 42 4 1 Am Internatl 12 8 771, I i Am Locomotive 24 24'i 24 24'4 Ant Loco MC 2 714 71 2' it Am Arch FdY 60EC 12 15'i 1514 15, i 44 Am Metal Iiit8' 28 43' it 4214 43 -0 TA Am Pow IA 49 51i 6" i 6 1,4 Am 5 7 361 r.a 36'4- 14 Am PAIL 6 3lc 3 41 401i 401 fl- 12 Am Rad Stand 36 183 i 17" '4 1814 IA Am Roll Mill 39 194 18 i 19 0 Am Roll Mill pt, 4 67 67 67 Am Sat Raz 1.60. 5 1611 16' i 16, il 14 Am Srn 211g 33 55 537,4 5412 2,8 Atn Smelt pt 7 1 134 134 134 114 Am Snuff 3a I 60 60 60 Ain Stl Fdy 14 g. i 4 33,4 32' i 33, i ki Am Stores 5 9 ell 9 Am Stove 1 18 18 18 0 Am Sug Ret Fig 5 271 6 26, i 27,11 14 Am Tel Tel 9 21 1417 146,4 147 14 Am Tobacco Co 5 6 8714 87 87, i 1, 'S Am Tobacco 5. 15 90' i 89 9014 1 Am Tobacco Pt 6.

1 149 149 149 1,4 Am Type rdrY: 26 714 7,4 714 14 Am Wat Works 17 1374 1314 1,11 Am Woolen 3 6', i 61,4 WA- '8 Ain Woolen pl 1 38 38 38 1 i Am Zinc Lead 19 8'11 8" i 834 An8ronda Cop li 80 39 4 38r, i 38,4 Ili Anhr Ilk al 6 20" ii 19 20 I Amh Dan lg 3 271 it 2712 0 Armour of Ill 31 574 574 0 Armatrong 3ift. 18 4412 431-i 44'4 Arnold Const 29 128 12v8 513 Artloom Corp 2 6'4 67,11 14 Asso Dry Goods 26 1114 10,1 1174 TA A tehioon Ry 26 3714 38V8 ,,11 Atchiaon Ry 8 60 60 2 AU Coast Line 14 26 25 26 1 At' 1 9 81i 81,4 8'4 0 Att NV I pf 5 144 14 14 14 Atlantic Ref 26 2414 23 2414 1,4 Atlantic Ref 0 4 2 10914 10814 10814 22 Alias Corp 1,4 15 81 i 814 81,11 0 Powdr 18 1 6014 59 59 I Auburn Auto 3 4 4 4 "4 Austin Nichole 5 314 3' i 3'i Aviatn Cp 28 5,4 514 5'4 14 Baldwin Iii)Or0 26 1314 12 1314 Baltimore Ohio 23 8' 81,4 812 0 at Ohio 13 91i 9' IA Barber Asphalt. 27 22'1 217,1 8,4 Barker 13ro I I 14 131i; 14 Barnsdall Oil 1. 31 1774 1714 1 Bank Cig 16 19kii 19 1914 i Barnsdail oil 1 31 1734 1734 1714 1 Bayuk Cig ,56,4 16 193,4 19 191'4 3 i 4 29 3 18 18 35 32 28 47 38 70 ra 16 61 15 67 kfa, a. a I at tnnaa a tt ow.

The going was a little difficult 1 4 14', in the forenoon. Support eventu 197 ally was accorded steels, motors 1 14., coppers utilities, rails and we- 123 2 cialties. An assortment of ltwers 644 was In evidence near the final: hour, but gams predominated in 1 7R dealings that were at the rate of' 2'61i approximately 1,300,000 shares. 23, 4 144 23 's approximately 1,300,000 shares. 144., While obviouslywele al bit disappointed over sluggish response of the list Wednes day to cheerful news from motor, steel and other industrial fields, the drying up of offerings today was an offsetting influence, Bonds and commodities were rather uneven and quiet.

Foreign securities markets were spotty. Sterling and the French franc dipped sharply as demand for dollars was renewed abroad. Better acting stocks included United States Steel. Beth lahem, Chrysler, Great Northern, Southern Pacific, Anaconda, Pacific Gas, Consolidated Edison, Woolworth, Douglas Aircraft and Zenith Radio. Low-priced issues furnished the principal activity.

Radio Corporation was very active and was up a fraction, and loft, almost as lively, registered a modest gain. The Chrysler Corporation, after yesterday's close, matched the previous General Motors announcement and helped buoy sentiment by disclosing it had recalled 34,000 workers since August, 1 and had stepped up output by 20 per cent. Demand for new cars was said to be brisk. Observers in the automotive sector were looking for November motor output of about 350,000 units against 250,000 forecast for October. In October last year production reached 337,939.

Still interesting to steel shareholders were reports of the rescinding of recent price cuts, but It was thought most motor makers bad already bought heavily at the lower quotations. Whether independent steel plants would continue to accept orders under posted prices was a question mulled by Wall Street, Carriers were bolstered by high- er October earnings for some roads, but there wa sa tendency to go easy with these stocks pending the conclusions of the President's fact-finding committee on the wage controversy, due next eek. 1 3214. 53 23 1 10,, 1 4 61, 514, 123, 123,4, 31., 44 8 2rill, 1 74 ,4 1 17 45 7,4 391.i, 44,4, ipt, 227li 803.i, 20 5814 60 25 13,4, J9 21 149 8814. 914 150 sli 147t1 43 9 4214 21 tit 3lli 7 461,4 121., 7 :4 117,41 42 '72 27 1414 27 101 974 62 6,4 3 6 13 5 11 4 13N, 51A2 235.

121. 1351. 6 2134 1011, 1912 9 Major Grains Up Sharply cH.A00, Oct. and 'Wheat bounded up in brisk fashion 1 and 1 cents a bushel, respectively, today, and held most of the grain. Scarcity of offerings, together with evidence of persistent efforts at Washington to find plans to aid agricultural prices, were ascribed as reasons, Corn was the market leader.

At the close, Chicago corn futures were 1 cent to 1 cents higher compared with yesterday's finish, December 46q46lic, May 49140A19c; wheat to 114e up, December 65rd 6514c, May 67; and oats i24 as ani 55 26 10 0 231, 70,4 124 27 9 131, 2 30 41, 44 10 23 V.I. 16ti 19 9 58 1411 2 81, 103 4.70.1 15N, 12 20 111 58 58 130 2 6 lit 23N 4 21 10N, 24) 37A 214 5 21,. 4 221.1 40 24 414' 61,, 53i. 36 2,4 2 2 1i 213.4 loli, 1912 9 19', 11,34 poll 11512 941i, 9 5 2NI 8 19 1514 64 26,4 65 99 17,4 12 1081i 75 29114 1734 21 934 1014 3:04, 193i 19 15 804 161, vis 4 137i 514 27 1111.3 23 114 13 534 37 16N6 TIVENTY-TTIREE 'Were on a light scale but bids And 2n' i 5 iiloffers reflected a steady market. 43 The Invivngs and miscellaneou 7 171 were about 1,1 The New York list found the 4 going hard and a mild attempt at 6'4 1 i a rally early in the 11 'brought little success.

Scime of the steels 2 rails and metals tried to get 2' 2 3' ahead but the rest of the market 2n' i 43 7- 17' 144- 19' i 4 6' 4- 4 22' 4 113 brought little success. Some of the 21 4 l'4 'stpfIA. rails and metals tried to get 2212 1'11' 7 36 i ''I bg '4: "i Il SeaWiall IIS ti ctilllletd II 1 's there was at the start. No 1I n3325 1 1, weakne ss developed, ttlillee tuagenrekrell walla; II a 14 I 21 -A 0 211114- I I 24, 1 oaf Men Fight 20' 0 11 17, 4 2614 It- 1'4 as II I ipe ines 314- 1 4 4 34 1 WAS1-11NOTON, Oct. 2(14T1ta :64: 1 t- 4 inatd.tti?srtIt Coal icnn omtn11ilittkiiln" 27t a- 3 2 proposed gas pipe lines 76 a 0 1 throug a 1.,..

011. 0 11 I of 2 0 11,111 3 1 le 41i i 1 Midwest territory constituted a 10 0 q1MajOr threat to the bituminous 2.2 It! ei 30 i Estes, traf manager anager of the coal 45 0 assoc iation at a Inartng on a potl- F31 i 6 ted by F. F. il 39 a 4 tion by the nation's intsJor ra 60'-ii t- a roads for continuation after D0 1 II, 2 4- I), cernber 31 of a 10 cents' ft ton sar- 1831 i I- 01! i phAariii.lee011111geo01n1 stibilemaleptpTe.ation of Is 4 the I 4, 4. the Kansa t.

isarinpleitl.Lolinti ity and oCo3r! tal 1811 0 struct one of the lines loot 28E 2 0 Iiiiii0(011 field in Southwestern 4-Ot i CORt industry. The linos were cited by F. F. Estes, traffic Manager of the coal association. at, a hearing on a Petition by the nation's tnajor railroads for continuation after D.

ember 31 of a 10 cents' ft ton surcharge on coal shipments, A hearing on the application of the Kansas Pipe Line and Ciras Company for authority to construct one of the lines from the Ilnizoton gas fleld in Southwestern Kansas to the Mesabs iron range in minnesota Is scheduled for tomorrow before the Federal Power Commission, 4'Af 6, 43'' -s 34" 10' 91 A 221 2 5, 4 47 4 4- 18 21 A -)2 13 92 17 3 9' A 101 4 41 -2 264 3512 tpadv tpadv ctpadv Holds Steady 1 0 714 NEW YORK, Oct. 20.Cotton held quietly today on cone. tinned price fixing although hedge $ellintz held back the October posit100. Dee imther midafternoon 3s 4.., 0 13144 7i 02 II i ra, ,53 4 9' '11 Iry 4 2 4 41'2- 1'S 264 4 351,4 1 11, 'a -1. ts 3' 2 41i 581 5 1 13 0 1 20.

91 04, 80 1 5 I 111 4 4- 33, 4 11, 171 4 0 63' 4 I 4 4 30s 44i, f. 2,4 6 14 7712- 13 637 7s 113 4 4- 1 4 1107 1, 1- 1 73 4 14 6, 4 1 4 1061 2 8' '2 1 5 2411 2 0 12 121 48 0 1 44 pecetnoer aroun. mict ai ternoon at 8 30, when prices genet-ally are unchanged to 6 points net l'k; higher. ft 4 I 11, i bbey- ens-Ford Recalls More Men TOLEDO, Oct. 20.Deturn 660 workers in i he safety glass plants of the Libbcy-Owens-Ford Glass Company factories here and in Ottawa, LL, as announced today by John D.

Biggers, president of the company. Birgers said that orders from motor car Manufacturers were coming 111 'better than anticipated." LOCAL STOCKS oo fi37 7 1 1 4 3 7 at lb a 1107 8 I t'sr. 4)414. 73 '4 3,, 4 Dfd its) 1 4 i 4,110 Fine nee phi 2A 17 1061 2 l'2 A 5 8' -fd I (srall'as 11, It s' 2 49- 4 I 2 1 Oil 10 17 14 2,61 2 0 11 1, Clark 48 -r- 2 ,111,1,,,, no 1 6 32 1,, 'il a 1)1w. WA-.

111Mt 11 11,,,, CI I Eoz 1' 1 .1) mg 43 40 Sa' 100 80 i41. 97 rill, a mllaIng 17 4 68, 3, MounOurt Ftaa 1ft rom, nN 63 4 4.. Net 2,4 344 I PNin-Feri)141 1 I fi 2 a 1, 1) 4 41 pil rat 2 4, 1, 341 :4 4- 3 11 l'''131-'3 4'11 oo .24 ill fa lirewing 7 8 ptd, ))9 0 0 1 tali 4, Gas I -3 2n I 2,, iAt.s1.11.1sh So ew liAt Ws, C'' 1 '56 .94) liros 2 I 1 5 10 icM(OTnoick 4 fl of 2')! 1'1 4- 2 Stitt 011 i'ci loci 21, 4,,,3 l'ffil oil Sitmt WA. 1 90 I 3' 4, 11.8 1:1 'A' m'eI 1. )1 251 4 Vto.1r .1 '9, tl 667, i 4 111 Works A 211 4 ti Fir))))1, 1.111).1tirrt1 Prewtris 17 7, 31, Saks on the txcbange WS' i 4-1 1 All -01 50J a 3,, a' mta 0, 43 2 3, I bee 0 4,1 Ilo 3 1,4.1 ilrflP 1.4 en .1,, 4 I li 0 IA ki, lo 4 20 71 44 45 1.2 NI ilf, N1.11.a, IN 1 7,, I.

3.,,,,,,,,, 05, 1,0) 4 3 4 i Gam. POO l-1 2'a 30 0 tirewttlg 1 on Nct 3 0 1')0 0 40) 44 29 0 ttrociaat 32114- 14, Per. Pni Mk 3,, 4, 3 Lone 16)tr Oa pfd 100 111 901 a 1 A A Sh 4 90, i 8 mit v. 9,4, 2 Cori, of Am 171 132...... 2 o1ot op foo, 210 71 i 17 85, 34- 50' t.

8' l6 3 45 1 38 0 3 0 29 0 32, 1-3 3- it 2 'A 1 VII IA's. His. 1 I I 1 alk it 17'4 a a ..,7,4 I f) 6 14i i 91i 6 I i -S 8 13 StrA 39 21! it St Joo 4 48 St $in Fran. 2 it I 7' it 13, Schen fey 1: I 9 it 1t 22 3 Sithtt lie Rot pt 2 61 20 46'i lit 16, 19'4 ts 6 4, 21 49 1 111,4, ta 13a, srbetth-y r)L, 19 1 2,2 4i 3 Sehulte Pot pt 2 63 78 Seaboard A I.im I 2 Seaboard A pt I 131', Seaboard oil 3 22, ISt Seagravo Corp 35 80's 47 boara Roetut. a 25 TO 18 9', Serve' Incorp 1 6 16' 8 It'S; 404 5hattliCk ,40 3 11 sholl in CHI 117.g lq I 5'1 11108 92 0 pf fc'2 3 103 245, Co 10 32' 4' 341,,, MIL, Skelly Ott lg 25 25' 24 11 Stain), A 0) C.

6 2141, 13N RN, Snider Pk 5ag I I 108 108 93 14 1, SOLI Mn 7 2t i 311 152 224 22111 91, Piific. 70 291 -8 to, Southern Rwa4 a. 91 7A 201, 8I4t South Ftt Rays pt 21.3A 4 2 Palilint A 4 3' i 4v 2 Snorkel WithinK fa it, .11 135, Sperry Corp JR(Itt 156 34' 4 Spieer Mfg iS 15t 0'4 SP'Og44 Tfl4 'ig 30 141.4 31 12 Square 11 Co .44 5 01 8, Stand Brands Ng 78 23 at, 35, Stand Corn rob 1 2 nt, 17, Stand Cam St rAm II 45 fi 11 4ti Stand 118,43 $4 1,1 30 10 i3 Stand $7 pt 7 251 1474i 254 Stand Oil Cal la 65 3 a 3511 24,34 Stand Oil n(l 1 37 3,) 4,1 2212 Stand Oil Kan 1 45 t'iN 245e, Stand Ott Itt, t6 531 31 3714 Starrot Co lir 8 3,1 49 St ng Pr it. 3.31) 3 1395 32', Stoxiirt Warner 33 I 13 4 a t.ffie A Webster 95 13111 111, Studebaker Co 63 87 8 343I PT Sunshine 210. 19 11" 4 41, 454 Superior Oil 12 35 19,4 8d, Superior Steel I I IR 121, 1,1 Swift Co 1.20 15 1844 2914 23it.

Sarin, Int Lid 2 8 281 irn 4t Sym wav 14g 9 87 4 I 3 Sym tad xw 13 87 Ali 4 Telautograptt 45 8 Tennessee 10 7 vs, 32 Pexas Corp 2 93 435 65,4, 21ta Tex Gut( Prctd 73 45 23 26 Te ulph 11 348i i2 I To( Pile 0'40 40 8 10, 'a 31's 65, Tex Pao Tr, 45 i 21 1,1 Thatcher Mfg Nig 2 22; 4 67s 2N Thtl Fair 3 5' 4 643 2 11W111)01(1 32 4 7 it 17 15 Thermold pi' 2 18 2 Third Ave 14y, j7 2, 221, 81-t'4 Th'111P44in Prod 32 215 A Line I 6 il i .114 A I 2' a 1. seabearo toll 1 3 22' a 21 4P74 i S8SP737111nI1k a 2 3 65 75 1 3f4r; 3: sa4. 1 3ii :1 i 13'4 I 'St) 3 I 10'11 .1929 2:1. 301 1 n3 325: 1031234: ilsil 265 22514 AN, Suidi.r Pk 9 I I ji 10. Vtei 't 93 14 131a sou Am (4 i' 7 21 41 2, I So PR Sqear 13,4 2 211i IS', So Cal Eil 11'i4 15 24' a 9 Piwitic.

70 20' -a 1141 i 610 Slitholl Rwa) 91 I 7A 1671 South of 100 21334 24' 0 4 4 3' i 31a. 2 Spark Withiba 19 4, i 3711 Sperry Cori) 156 341 4 33 47 4'4 1g 4Ijne 3105 11361 Square Po t'ic 5 27, a le, Stand Brandm 4 78 7a, 7,, it, SiAnd COn I 4 1 2 2 Sand Gl Elm 11 4'i ill 4 SiAnd RIVE $4 pf 30 10 Ira! 657 32051 i 22S51i Stkiid Oti Ind 37 31) 2stis s212 Shod oil I 45 45 a444 Stand ott II iN t6 531 I 521i 17,2 Starrot Co 1R 6 stl 30 11 st(Tting Pr s.st).. 3 69 i 69 (4 tit4WArt 33 1134 IP 4 srl 9535 18371! 4 8111.140r Steel .4 II 18 IR 011 2.1.C1.: 1 1 192 131' 1'; 35 vitt E' Co 1120 15 193 it Oil Swift int Lid 2 6 28( 28, 2 Viz; 193 86; 681 54 411 2 till 34 9' A 22, 512 214 18 2, 204 3121 12' A 9112 17 521 IPS 4 1 '2 26 35 IV' A 4 Ills Thompson 8Iarret 8 332 31.41 3014 Titifl A 461 1 50 I 31,4 12,4 9s 7712 Tido WA. 0 5 142 0113 17 l'imiten Dot Axle. 39 17 il 5344.

3114 TtlYlkeTt 11 531 A 521A 12,4 8 Transatocrlua 34 16 WS 9' 4 Trans-Wcet 110 Inx A 91,1 4''' 2 Tti-Conl inont 19 41 2 414 27l4 161'4 Twcoly jr 1141 36 27' 4 26 33 2r1hs TWOntV 10 10 351 4 3,5 12 6 TWin COal 34 11 a 103 a' I 3ii 1 I Illen 21 3' i 31'1, 66 41 Endow 2g 5 59' 2 58' 5 171q 7 Union 446 26 13 121 119 57 Ell Crb-C16 22 871i 851 5 2214 17144 iln 0 or Cal 1.20g 13 op A 20 Ss 5534, Union Pee 6 3 041 i SI SIN, 5344 Union Ptte pf 4. I 80 86 231,2 29 Union 1.20. 4 227 2 2271s W4 5 unit Air Line 9.0 1 l' it 10' i 14 164 'Unit- Aircraft 213 331 i 32 19,4 34 trolled Bin 4 17, 4 17 67 39 Unit Carbon 4 63 44' 434, 2 Untied Corp 4, 175 4' 's 4 33 22,4 ITtotrol Corp pf 19 364 3551 7 4 Unito9 Drug 21 ti'il 6 3 3 Unit Elee 12 8' 2 711i 674 50 Eilited omit 3 6 64 83' 4 12'4 8112 Unit 13-Fts Imp 14. 49 1 i 11'4 111 100 Unit 41 imp pr 5,. 1 1107 4 HO' 4 in'i 6 Unit We.

1 7" 4 7' i 3 limit Paperboard, 3 6 81 114 55 1.1 BYPsunt 2 5 107 1657 1014 IT lioltronn- 3 8, i 8' 2 111I, 47 1n4 Alcohol I I 26' 2 25's 124, A IT lather A- 14 12' 4 104 4934 211i IT 8 Pipe 5' 2., 16 48 47 '7 OIL 7 LI ,,11 3 5,4 IIN .1 1107 a I i o' i i 25' 47 6 A.1'41 671,3 62, 4 II6 34' i 4 9 23 2 Illi i 1 221, i i 25, 9 661 ,2 16'4. 2512 47' 4 81 i 16' i 3 45 71 i 38 3 28' i 3d! a 314 90' 4 90; i 91, 2 I 7i 2 jnt 11 Unit Mo vc11kTTre. 1 7' 1 2 Ilmt Paperbotird. 3 6" 1145, 55 11 Gyp mum 2 5 107 101i IT 3 81 1212 Ind Alcohol I 26, 124. 11 14 12 it 411T1 214z IT 8 Pipe 2 18 48 7 vit Ts 8 Mr 1.11y..

57 61 54 21 IT Ruhhor 189 S.1, 10214 45t tt 28 97 55 IT stkn pf 2 681 8i 21 115 i 121 SI IT 10,40,4 pm 7 6 1161 131f! 1111 A1enh01. I 1 26' 12 5 11 1ather A. 14 12, a 4794 Ttrr 88 s187 413614 54 21 11 litahlwr ISS 10214 45U, 11 28 97 55 11 1.411 pf 2 681 115 641 121 91 IT Stool 141 7 6 1 I fil ffi Mt, IT 8 I 4 34' 1')Vt Sbi, Unit 5 4' a poi, Pi Unit pt 5 9 1111Init.t1 Sfr3 A 5 121,3 7L. ITniv i 11 Utility Lt A 51 00a 'Unit Stookyds pt 8- 9 1Tiijt irs 5 2,, 131 7L. 1Tniv I Ili, Utility I Lt 61 131 t4 12 1 241 lia Vanadlen Corp 53 tls 64, if-11 41 3 37 Vet 6'4 Pt 3 2514 Ohl 27 Vulcan Delin 1g IV IV IV tti Wallott 1 71 20t, 131i Wilignion co 1 7 74 Wnigrrn pf wwl Riti 17 30 Re 4 0 58, 4 41A1Wa1warth 33 9 391 Ward flaking A.

5 4 2 Ward Baking 3 3, '61 23 WAtel RAI( 011-4 7 45 Warnor Bros Pic 130 7-si 20 W.lreer Brrili 8 eft 311 Warren Br' rik 7 3 36-ti 16,4 Warron 2 10 Zci 34 17 Wayne ruelt 2.. 41. III 24 37 it 74p Wost It A 7,, 911, 4 971i. 72 Wt 64 $42 Wrist 74 ti77 to); i ,14 1233, Ahte 1 4 117,4 9 3 West 7liaol4 2d pt 2 7 r4 14 8 41, SN PaCWIC pc-, 23 1, 4 3414, 161,,4 17 21 2304. W'h're A T3 1.01g 38 2 5 1 4J1, W'hnhoe El I 18 i9 Wosnm In 21 '91 it 20'41 10 Wpfittneo 1.

2 1914 141a 'Whehling Sieol 19 2318 roi 11 White Dental j. 3 Fi'a. 6'4 White Motor 75 141i 11 5 Wit Sp 4 7 3 111 White ng owi NI 3 21 21 Whito Sow 71 rt 23, ,2 14 Wilcox. Oil (1,1 27 4 13 2, 3 1,, Wilys Ov 14 53 st Vaa 3 Wilson 9 5 141 F11, 20k 111,4 Worthing Pump 22 23, 27 With pf t'i 1 45 Wrth cv pf 4 I 4 Writ Arai) ton 61 Wrigley (in 7 74 v-- 111, tr14om 12 1, 2414, 111,3 Vanadirtrt Corp 53 t3h 41 3 37 i 3214 ir, fir4, Pt 3 251'4 6,51,14 37 Vulcan Delin ig I 5144 Wrddrn 8vs i 7' i 1331 1541 igrnr-n Co I 1 7 1413 Moo 74 Wln pf scw 1 I firci 47. 31) WMtk, 4 9 5013 47'4 ods 33 9 813 391i, Wud Inkin A.

5 6, If' 4 2 Ward 3 3 3 61 23 Wilt el RAI( OP. 7 45 45 3,4 Bros Pc 130 T1-3 45 2,0 Wm nor in 39 38 4 ft 314. Wan Br' ris 7 3 3 30 13 164 Warron 2 JO Zq 28' 34 17 W3P111 rungs 2 8 32'3 3dr 1 24 3' it 34 Yale Twn 60 Ft :36 Tpllow Tr 19 211 9r-S Young 13 2 31,4 :14 Young 9 47 11' Young Dr 29 23 7- 4 19' 271 1 271 3o 2. lq 1143, 13; 1 7 1,, I a 28 i 25 11511i 117 It: 2,3. 5 3 13 4ii 1 14 63 i 2, it 23 2' 2 5' 8 44, 4 5 19' 2 2it 43' a 49, 23 23i ,5, .,41,, 107 In? 73 73' 4 ,..417 21' 2 233 45, 4 467 24' 2 10 Calr (Robert) pt.

2 141i 141'i 1414 14 8 4I Gar Wood Ind I 7i, TVs 7i 0 13,,, Gaylord Contnr 1 8 18 18 Lj 8 4 14. GOR Am Invest 814 81,4 814- .56,41 29 Gen A Trans 1,4 3 5212 52 52 Ili Gen 'Baking 3 10, 101i 103 14 55,3 214 Gen Bronze 1 514 5' '4 0 17As 5146 eneral Cable 5 I 51,4 1512 151,2 0 11 General Cable A. 2 32 32 32 0 85 General Cahle pi 2 82 82 82 0 211 Gen Cigar 11 25,4 253,4 25'4 14 2714. Gen Bleetrie 202 4434 44 444 22 aPtt Foods 3 63 3912 38 39 114 11414 108 Gen pt 4 2 112 112 112 1 1 14 Giqt Flee A. 15 114- 1A; SO General Mills 3 69 69 69 1 251'2 Gen Motors 261 5414 4914 50' 4 12311174 Gen pt 5 3 12214 12114 1221A 0 cre 4 G011 Outdoor Adv 2 714 7'A 714- 12141 6 Gen Pint Ink 3 1012 97 2,41 1 Gen R(411 UHL 17 17,4 13 114- 18 891i 1514 an Refract 5 38 3714 38 1 812 Gen Thee Eq 44g 2 15, 1514 1514 0 9,3 Gen Tire Rub.

4 1812 1812 181A 0 illy 613 CiIlett 18 13 9 814 Kt 0 50 Collette 3 pt 5 2 57t 561,4 5714 114 5 Gimbel Eros 41 147a 1312 1471 3712 Gimbel 6 pt 6. 2 62 6112 62 4 274, 13 Glidden Co 29 25 2474 25 11'14 5111 37 Glidden ev pt 21.i 2 4512 4512 4571 4i. 8,,, Gobel (Adolf) 4 3 21,4 3 11-4 8,3 VA, CA)bel BrPW 4 2 2 2i 0 3674 16 Coodrith Rub 10 25' 244 251-12 5i 6313. 83 Goodrich pt 614 61 6114 0 31 15,4. Goodyr 60 3214 3114 321'2 14 100't 691.

Goodyr pf 5 8 100 99'la 9078 0 Va 21 Gotham Silk Hee 6 4 7. 47 i 47, 2 Graham Motor 29 I' 114 0 8Th 212 Cranby Con 101n 24 8 73, 14 1353 Grand En Pt lk 3 1114 11 1114 334 1014 Granite city iiis. 4 1614 1614 0 30 19 Grant WI' 1 2712 2741 27121- 1514 914 Gt Nor Ore 13 1314 13', 4 1314 49 26,4, 1241 Great North pt 92 2378 23 237,8 1 32 2312 Gt West Sug2.40a 4 29,4 2951) 2934 0 Kg. 13 Green 1.60a. 10 2512 2414 2514 IA 71t greyhound .80 IR 191A 1914 1914 1,4 33 71,41 (1.1'eyhoun4 111 .55.1 11 12 12 12 22 8 Gall pt 1 201i 21P -It II 5 Rail Printing 2 8' 81 A 0 843 15 Harb Walk Va 10 31 30 3011 I fiti lives Body 93 514 514 --F.

1 A Hecker Prod 60. 17 9 814 81 671,3 42N, Hercules 3 6714 67 67 2, 100 80 Hershey pt an 1 9812 98' I 9312-- 12 5241 17 Holland Fur I 11 4914 49 491i 4 13 5 Holland Son 1 101 41 10141 1012- 85t4. W. Holly Sugar 3 17 1612 17 14 60 4814 lionleMake At 414 52 62 61 62 1.1 34 171k A 214,, 1 34 34 34 I 181, 6 Houd-Ilersh 91 I14 17 1714 A1 Oil I 241 8 8' 9 5 Hownon Oil 114 8 8' 4 I I I 1, 1 i i 1 1 i i i 1 A A ii i 1 i 4 1 i i 1 I i .1 I if 1 4 0 1 1 Beatrice Crrrt la 2 18'i 1812 1834 3,4 peatrice ww5 1 101 100 100 "6 2 Beech-Nut Pk 4a. 2 1141i 114 114 31 Belding Hein 3 81 i 1 814 1i tonflix Aviation 33 24" 's 233 's 24 Iii Belief Ind 2 1814 1834 18' 34 Best Co 2.321,g 16 531 4 52 5312 11,4 Betlitehem Steel, 93 64 6231 64 Beth Sit 5 Pt 1 8 1712 I715 17A 0 Beth Stt 7 pf 7 2 10714 107 107 0 Bigelow Sanford.

2 2811 28 28 0 Black DA. 4 20 20 20 14 13law Knox, 15 1714 1612 1714 32 Boeing AirPlatle 13 2814 27 28 32 151413.1in Al Brs 7 2911 29' 's 294 31 Borden Co 1g. 16 1614 -I- 14 Bore Warner 17 3512 35 35 34 Brew of Am 9 6 5' 4 511, I 34 Bridge Brass 23 12111 1234 34 Briggs Mfg V2g 25 35'4 35 3514 0 Bristol lklyrs 2 40 3 40' A 401i 4034 Vs Brooklyn Tr 2 214 2 2 32 Brklyn Pt 2 811 81 4 834 1,4 Brklyn Alan Tr 14 11 1011 11 34 Brklyn NE 3 3114 3014 3114. 134 2274 1014 Brklyn 11 Gas 13 2014 1934 20 1,4 1134 514 Brunswk Balk ahg 4 121 i 111'2 1214 114 1214 1214 3 4 634 6'4 1,4 Pi 512 0 224 23,4 II; 3434 34' it 3 i 14 1414 0 I 1912 1914 0 8 1- 4 84 1.r2 814 f4 41 4 41,4 14 1831 19 0 inn MP rt61ig 4 72 72 72 1'1 111 Corp 9 1 3 as7 1231'14 1 2374: 414 14to Kan Tex pf 33 9' i 91 4, 91 a 0 Mo Pacific 2 11 it 1 I 14 Me, Pacific pr 6 2 17a 171t- 14 10 Mohawk CP1 14. 4 1814 181 2 IR' A 1 4 67 Monsanto Oh 3 24 1031 103 1031 25 Alontg Ward 11.3.!g 35 52' 2 607 2 521A 1, 22A4 10,4 Prod 20 2P .2 21" 4 21' 24- 1'4 5 6 31lotor Whevl 10 14' A 14' A 143 2 3.4 32 1111 Mueller Brass 22 30 291 30 0 614, 4 Mullind fg 21 74 2 71 A 714.

154 314 1011l1singwear 1:1.6 2 14 113'1 14 1,4 61 34 liturtilly CO 3 2 62 62 I 10 4 Murray CorP 10 914 141 1 9' '1; 0 54 3714, Myers IS 13no 2v4 2 45 45 45 2 1214 511 Nash Kelvin iiisg 47 1117,1 1914 1117i 31, 14 811 Nat Acme 2 13' 131'4 13' 4 11. 8 Nat Aviation 8 1014 1014 fl 261, 1511 Nat Iliseutt 1.20g. 91 27 256 it 2fi74 I 18 1011 Nat .11 Inv I I 714 17s 171 81- 1,1, 47 20 Nat 811 11 25 25 25 0 30 121; Nat CRSII IO 27'5 26' 261 .44 14i'4 114 Nat Dairy 7 14" it I4i 14' i 0 st, Nat Dept Storrs. 23 101 i 10 4- 4 27 17 Nat Distillers 3 IS 27" 27 2744 14 36 5 Nat cypsum 65 161 it 15711 16 0 31 1714 Nat Lead 11 22 27' 4 27 25 1311 Nat Mal 1 21'4 2111 '4 5 Nat Lt .60 26 874 81 '2 1314 34 70 44 Nat Sleet 3'4go 29 71 68' 4 70' 2 23 1214 Nat Supply 177 161 1774 414 Nat Te 29 3' 3' 3' -4- 4 1254 7 Natomas .80,. lo 1114 1114 I I if 1 4 26 1,11 Nelsner Bros 1-, 21 25 25 25 191 9Tts Newport Indus 21 171 157 it 171 4 2 a 40 20 Airbrake 1,46 13 391 39 3912 1 21111 10 CcqitraL 83 20' a 19; 1 29 22 7 lt I 16' 2 16' 2 161 I .2 66,4 112N St pr 281 a 2514 2514 14 37 18 Ornnibus2g 18 3514 35 3514j.

14 4 31 Dock 412 414 45 0 1144 7 lauek IOLA 10 10 14 212 114N R. 16 114 115 114. 714 II 11 pf. 2 5' 4 5' 4 5''4 ,11 1414 4 S5 Shipbuilding 36 13' 2 12! 13 114 A Norfolk Mouthern 1 14 1 it 14 1 Was 674 Nur Am Avi 11g. 84 14 13' 2 14 281 1614 North Am 60 241 23' 4 237 a 31 56 4.5 North Am pf 3..

3 55' 2 55' A 55' 2 1414 trti North Paebio 16 127 a 1214 1211 3,4 114 Norwalk 1 3 3', 3'1 0 0 0 1474 Ing hill Ott 60 1011 914 1014 14 32.14 1914, liver Earnt 11 26" a 25'1, 26' S1914 714 Omnibus Corp 12 IR' it 177 IT a-. 144 934 4 oppeniun Coffins. 5 9, 85 9 11 1634, Otis Elevator 60 4 25741 25 2571 1" 4 la otis Steel 15 111 i 107 1114 1 8 76 40 Owens III CI ig a 12 7414 731 A 741 4 4 1114 Pac Am Fish 45g 2 714 714 714 0 29 22 Pao Gas El 2. 26 2911s 2814 29'1 114 42 32 Pao Lt Corp 3 6 42 411 2 42 11 1574 par Wrst ()it." 1 13 121's 13 4 5741 314 Packard Motor 132 5' 1 4' 5' 4 0 2 1 Panhan 12 11i 1112 I 0 55 22 Paraffins Co Fig. 3 54 a 54' 4 5414-, 14 1314', 5 Paramount 200 1231 11114 121,4 100 65 Parmt it pf 8 5 97 13514 147 1314, Parmnt pf .60 25 1211 117 121 814 111 Park Utah Co 2 27it -214 214- 311 42 :31 'ark-Dv 1.70g 2 42 42 42 0 21 13 Parker Rust .80., I 2014 2014I 205 's 14 2 11,1 Parmelee Tram 29 2'' 2' 4 2' 2 I 4 1014 3 Paths Film 39 97i 9'A 014 4 I 13,4 A Patine' MtneS 2 1174 117s 117- 56 41 Penick 2g 2 67' 56 67' 8 14 56 Penney 21g 16 841 4 821i 8411 2,4 Pinina Coat 54 I 1 Vi VI; 2414 141 Penn 51 2111 2911 21121- 111 St 191,1 Peoples Drug la 251 251 21 2S1 s's 42 2214 Peoples lg 7 37' 2 361 '2 37" 4 11 17 511 Pere Marquette 2 15 15 IS 1314 7 Petrol Corp 11 1 1014 10 14 4514 17 Phelps Dodge 45 43 411 4 43 114 3711 30 Phila.

6 pf 1 3614 36' 36' 34 14 Phil Rd I IS 14 ss i 0 14334, 770,4, Phillip Alor 614 6 139 i36 1,39 I 44 2714 Phillips Pet 2 19 39' 2 3714 39' 9 4 Pierce 00 71 71 ft 7144. 4 al 41 201i Pillsbury FAT 1.60 I 251 a 25" a 25' 16 6 Pitts Va 13 13 13 0 714 6,4 Pittsburgh 3 5.1i 5' 2 5' 14 9,4 474 Pitts Ser Si Boit I 8' 8' 8' if 14 12 711 Pitts SIPPI 3 1311, 1114 13' 4- 14 52 20 Pitts Steel pf 46 413 413 2534 15 Plymouth 0 1.40. 4 21T 2931 217ioi- 14 1211 514 Poor Co Et II'S Ill Ws 411 14 Por-Ric I 11'4 ILA 1(' 41,,, Press SG Car 20 1Q14 1014 1014 1 to 4M Press Steel lig, ig 4 10 10 10 fl 31 13111 Press Sil 2pf2126 3 30' i 29' 2 3034 1- I 1 6712 391a Poo Gamb 2 6 567 57' 4 14 35 25 Pub NJ 1.656 6 33111 3214 33r14 12312112 Pub N.T 7qpf7 1 127 127 127 17 381i1 21 111111M3141 Ind l8 13 34 3311 34 131i sii Pure Oil 26 1114 101 4 1'1'4 I I 1 .1 4C 7114 12 PPuurrietythil I'C'Ytg! 23 81 6 1 411:2 8 :4 144" 8141 CI 0 0 14 9 Quaker State 01I. 2 14 131 14 0 --R VI 431 nadie Corp Ant 612 81 77 a 814 65 37 Radio ev lit 3,1 17 65 a 621,4 65 2144 104 11,,, Radio Orph 52 2114 214 27S 24 311 Rayanier Inc 8 16' 161 i 161 1 it, 22 15 32 314 15,4 61 31314 54 1214 HI 11. 2614 18 47 20 1614 27ai 3.354 31 zr, ns4 76 23 41i 1254, 26 1914 40 2114 2243 8gli.

411 714 1414 l'41 14 261 56 1414 311 141 3 2 12 76 nit 297i 1574 5741 2 55 16 27 2121 834 701 A i Tr 4 i- 31 A 111.4 25 17( A 391,5 29 181 f4 257's 35'4 41 4 10 11 2 6v4 131'2 8'4 14 23114 55' 12'1 3'11 1014 26' S- IT s-. 9' -1- 257 i 11's 4. 741 4-1- 73 4. 291,2 42 ..2 ri 29t1 4132 -1- 514 11 a 5412, 12' '4 B7 121 2' 'a- 42 205's 2' 42 205'8 21 11-1- 044 1114- 671 Et" 843-ift 211 251 371. '4 15 Jo 43 261 139 291 if 2511 13 51 81 if 131 48 2I4 114 4 1 I to 3014 1- 571 33, it- 127 34 1114 8114-- 1414 14 81i 65'''831- 27 16, 4 a IL' 4 1, 4 4 I ,4 1.

14 1 2 8 0 I ti 0 0 8 0 44 2 4 4 2 II 4 1 2 14 I A 2 2 1 714. 1.5 14 0 14 1 i Ji '151 11 6'3 4 ,74 3 I 1's 14 Ai 4 1 i 0 iti 1 1 5 a I4 141 0 a i 0 0 1 4 31 4 8 11'4 I '2 114 0 I 112 I 4 1,11 0 1,4 I 5,4 11,.1 4, II 'A 31; 1, 4 4 I 0 21-'4 1, la 4,0 Exchange Rail Fights ICC 20 1 191 1 1J I Norway 23.90 The following quotations; on the Chicago 13 57ii Bucyrus Erie 24 12'-4 74oar4 of Trade are reported by A. M. 6'34 sq Budd fg 14 612 Masten Wheat Open, 11 101. Low.

Cloge. day. 5 3 Pudd Wilent 25 5411 Tr at a6 '4, 81 55 '14 6'', 2354 1314 Bullard Co fig 3 233'a may. Air 87 15 67 66 '14 39 1514 Puleva Watch Ag. 7 3412 July 65 67 65 87 65 Corn-4 HA BurlIng Mills 1..

6 WA Dec 44 4 ti. 41 4414 4414 122, 1414 Mara A 10 19' 4 44 4914 48 49 54 411 It Bush Term Deb I 814 July, 4o li. se 4i 50 4911 Oate 20 Butler Bros 5 81i pc 25 2511 24 li 2514 21 '2ae Butte Cop Zinc 8 412 llillg 4 4 2, .144 2'114 il 24 '''1' '1 22 13' Byron Jackson lic 3 Ig July 25 2,4 4 25 2514 25 Rye I IC Dec 42 434 424 43 42 Lard 2414 15 Cal Pack Via. 3 21q1 Oct 7 17 7 5 7 17 7 25 7 12 214 I Callahan Ld. 17 51.1 Cahtroct Hada.

2g 914 CHICAGO, Oct. wheat 14 29,,,,, Campbell 15 187,8 today. Sample grade hard, 56c; 21.4 12 te Canada Dry 14 26 sample grade hard tough. 55c; 8144 5 Canadian Pacific. 26 6 corn, old, No.

1 mixer, 46 to 4614c; isi, 12 Carpentr tt II 30fr 3 IS No. 1 yellow, 4614 to 4714c; No. I 1(5)784' 11 LI white, 47V2c; new corn N. 1 yel- 25 9 Celanese Corp 39 23 low. 4614 to 47c: No.

5, 41c; 29 1214 Cciotex Co 6 28Va 2 white, 4614 to 4612c. I 2 Central. Idry Co. 16 6, 10 514 Calumet Hada. 29 gti CHICAGO, Oct.

wheat 29,,,, Campba, IS 187,8 today. Sample grade hard, 56c; 21,,,, 121.A Canada Dry 18g 26 1744i sample grade hard tough, 55c; 931 5 Canadian Paeille. 26 wt. corn, old, No. I mixer, 46 to 4614c; 181,4 123,1 Carpentr SII 3 18 Case (JD M.5g 4 92 No.

I yellow, 4614 to 471.14c; No. I 1(1741 59 29 Catpillar TT 14 54 white, 47V2c; new corn N. 1 yet- 25 9 Celanese Corp 39 23 10W. 4614 to 47c: No. 5, 41c: No.

2934 1214 Celotex Co 6 28 Vs 2 white, 4614 to 4612c. 54 2 Central Miry Co 18 5 1314 574 Bucyrus Erie 24 1214 fi34 Budd Alfg Co 14 6,4 54 3 Build WilePt 25 534 1314 Bullard Co 3 2334 29 1514 Bulora Watch 3g. 7 3412 104 61li BurlIng Mills 1 6 1434 221A, WA, Burro A 4g 10 VrtiL It 412 13ush Tenn Deb 1 81 4 30 Butler Bros 5 81i 4, 21i Butte Cop Zinc 8 414 2 2 13 Byron Jackson lic 3 19 53 234 Howe Bound 8." 10 481 i 473 481i 3 1 Hudson 8t Man 2 2'4 ,2" 2' 4 9't 3 IludRon it Man Pt i it 4 20 ntut Bay 1M tS 94 S. 23 1 33 32' 4 83 10 5 Iiittison Motor SO 9' i 914 1,5 Hopp Motor 20 2 12 2 3.k 212 0 ki 118 i 'ics 1-tupp alutur v.1 -1 I I Illinois Central 62 1414 138'4, 141.4.1 14 14 12 Illinois Cent pt 6 24 24 24 4 Indian Ref I 984 884 984 84 143 Indust Rayon 148 7 27" a 27 2712-, 80 Ingorsol 4g 5 109 108 108 I 6614. Inland Steel 2g 14 1351t 84 85111 17,1 Ills Inspiration Cop 24 17,4 1714 it 3 5i; Insurshrs et 7 5 4'1, 5 0 2 4 Interbor Trait.

3 611 612 612 0 15 hnerehein Corp 2 2311 231'4 234 1.4 874; Interlake Iron 61 12'1 1212- Vs 130 Inter mach 6a 3 173 173 173 1 48 Inter Mary 2.14 45 621,4 611,4 6214 14 141 Inter Harv pf 7 I 162 162 162 1'4 31; Inter hydro A 32 614 6'4 684-, 14 6 Inter Iiiimna .358 8 988 914 91'4 1 i 26-s Inter Nickel Ilia. 39 66 6418 56 14i 41Inter 26 101 i 10 101 i 0 Is4 Inter pt 29 4311 42114 43' 2 1'2 11(21ntpr Salt lit 2 2814 2a 2814 14 28 Inter Shoe 184 2 34 34 34 12 12 Inter Savo. fr 2 26 26 26 1 Inter Tel Tel 137 101,4 911 10 0 6 Int TAT Foreign. 16 91,8 97i 0 6ili Int Dept Stores 30 I631S I512 I6144 111 8 Intertype Cor.20g 1 1112 1 1 i i 1112 18 Island, Cr 1 21 2084 21 0 I I 68 Jones-Manville 9 104 103 104 I 493 Jones st pt 6114 61 6112 11 1K- 121, Kalama Stove 2 2114, 2114 21111- 18 1214, Kaufnin Str 1.14 I 2112 211'2 21121- 114 44, Kelsey II A 26 1314 1314 131 1,2 3 Kolst'Y AV 45 0141, 0114 Writ 0 2634 enneoo tig et cp 27 4914 481i 49 1- 1,41 Keystne S.W 7 103,4 1014 1011- 201 1 1 ty Bonds Foreign October Gt. Brit 4.751 21 A 12 .2 "II, 2114 21i 0 1i 14 0 261 8,4 10'4 11 3o38 1-R 1.091i 118 4.108 ai hi ,11 fi 1,,, 0 l'i, 11 264 1 It 17:3 14 i 10 0 164 I 7 1 14 'IVA 2,4 I 56 .1 t15' 0 717 8 8.

i 21,4 0 3534 0 271s 11N, 0 111 14 16 1 1 2 121t 4 24 1 0 ,11114 78 0 1 2,114, i 21 2 4 14'I. 1 10'a 1 4' 51 n' 111; I' 21 Pi! 0 gt i 4. 1879 18,4 1714 174 6141 18 18 92 9'2 53 54 22141 224 28' 4 281,4 4 44 911 4 Cent vioiet Sug 6,11 6bit 64- Union Al Restores 591, Dtili Cerro da Pax 4 13 53,1 53 53,,2 123A 412 Certain-Toed Prd ,19 114 1112 114 Santa Alar ta tees 12'4 6 Checker Crib 2 1012 1012 101 2 3812 2 2 Chas Ohio 2g 12 354 341,4 35543 Los ANGELES, Oct. 20.The 89 70 Ches Ohio pf 4 6 8014 80 tinion Oil Co. of California has re- 491, 27tii Chap ern 7 441, 4314 4414 stored the 70 cents a barrel base lai.

4.1 Chi 10 72 7,1 IA 114 Neill Gt west. 4 vts I 42 price On its crude oil purchases in ,....4, 5 8-x Chi Mail out lAg 1 1318 13' i 8 13' it the Santa Maria Valley field in a CM St pf 0 1 114 114 Santa Barbara County. The 70 .17, Chi Pneum Tool. 5 17 17 17' cents average postings were cut pi At chi iit 1 pae 2 74; to about 45 cents a barrel on May 191, 12 Chick Cot Oil 5 1712 1614 17 20. ioN, 311 Childs Co 5 9 9 9 8344 3534 Chryaler Mot 134 8234 ag A 52i4.4.

121it 734 City Ice 1.14 1 9 811 VI Dividend News 51 2 City Stores 2 i 4T8 291k 1511 CleiNt GI aprt 2 28 27 285 VV. It L. E. Preferred 331,2 Climax Moly 8 51 49 51 Wheeling and 2544 lin, Cluett Peaby 55g 3 211i 21 2' i xtooi, N.ei. )11234 lorol, cocci Cola 1g 2 133 133 133 vember 1 to reoord of Oetober L'S.

lite taat i 61 57 Coca Cola A 3 I 6012 6019 601 i i.r8,44,11t pr8eruzt $dii4el1donntyli 1 Is Colgate Pt lt a 17 14 7., on the pririr hen siocit ftig0 4eciared.1 3931 1314 Collins Ata lg. 5 37qi 37ti 37'4 1)0able the sante dales. 20 91a it Fuel Iron. 15 18 18 18 Mn 2234 131,4 Col Broad A 2 71 '2 17 171 5 HITP Pintn orginint Moore Prop Foreinta chn a dividend 22'i, 13 Col Broad 2 iv A 17 iv i 4. of S.1 on the $it participating tion-citmulx 14 live Class A sirs S.

ble Novemia7r 1 9733 5 "um 59 84 81i 8 to record of October 19. The company HP, 9 Cohan Pitt 2311c3eI 3 14 147i paid 21.50 on February 1. lain, 5311 Col Carbon 4... 2 931i 931i 93' 2- 5534 23 Corn Credit 4 4 55 541 '2 547. National Welding Machine National 1ett1 Voiding ritochine ile H13', 84 Com Crodit pf 2 06 136 106 Oared a dividend of 2 irrc psi-eine Ociotirt 1 Ws 313 Corn Inv Tr 4 5 5911 58i i ex 29 to reword of (ototier 22 The company paid the same amount on February 1, lard 111 5i1 Conl Init Pt 411.

11 111 111 ill 12 5TA Corn Solvents 15 101 i 101 A 101 4 Empire Prtor Itedned 2'e 1 Corn is Southern 106 2 112 l7 Epire Po, or Corpori tem ciei larod a dividenmd of 25c qn nartionixtinc sharom. 51 20 ore So pf 3 6 491 i 477.i 49' paya November io to record ot 17ocem- Lig Ed 1'1. 6 271rit 27'i 27, ti her I. On heptemher leh last. SOC as sti 37, Conde Nast Pub.

2 71 2 71 8 7' 2 paid. 2) 15 ClingA-Nairn leg. 3 23'it 277. 8 28' I DIV1114134 IPS 6 CongrPss Cigar I 714 7 i i aate Peror Vtibias 35e iv. 15 sem 3o 19't 1111e is i 1.6 17 16 16' 4 General Metals 2Ao Noe 15 net 311 4', Conseil Cigar gt i 91 i 91 4 Ha IP Broilers 2i4 q.11ini 1---Nov Vil 341, 17 Ed is 72 32,4 313 I 32t Poen 2,, Nov 2,9 4' hitanbrince Clotther 7 1103 Sai, onnot Ed pt 5 2 10314 1031 A 4031A hid A 59 is.

Hee INoe 15 1,, 1 Film 2 2 11 4 2 40, 15 11,4 4i, Film pf 1.1t, 4 1144 11 11, 2 I'l 7-, 21, Consol Laundries 2 51 i 61 i 6, i Irteinotmnal Harvester prd HI', 7 Con.aol Olt ,80 49 '91 8-4 at 75 Deo 1 Nov 4 21' oniii Coal 2 4- 4 3' .8 3, A whoa 31 2 4, 4 Liehode Steel 8 Ptil 62iiie q-iiiiiie 4Oct 31 1 i'34, 934 Contain Corp 1 16, 8 161'8 II2314 20A 8,8. Contol Baking A. 19 23'11 2124 221'2 Dry Good A Market 23.4 11.1 Contnl 21 It 2 2' 9' i 984 1891 1874 1714 1781 .9:41 614- "1 18 92 92 53 54 2214 22'4 281'4 281,4 48 481-, 68,8 611-. 53 53Lii 1.1'A 1184 15i2 101 2 341t 35113 8408, 4 '''''''''4 414- 7,4 14 It 13' 13' 4 114 114 17 17 8 4 4 1681 17 9 9 EOI 4 8214 VI Cis 5 27 28 49 51 21 2112 33 133 60' 2 601 '2 37, 2 18 18 17 1 71 2 7 I 2- 0 la. LOCAL C1.11111 213'i 1 4 by Singer, Deane I 251 '2 f- 1,2 A 131'1 0 n111 Cmkrerk 44.: I it Inl i.

4- un 11 12 191 4 I I rItt I At .2 23' '-i 3 4 A Alknalk, tnrmg 1 4. f.fi.,,,k Wolkti 1.2 1 87 l' 1 I 1 r1 pni. 7 i b' Trkranct. 123 4,.... 21 I l'clin 11.1.1e 29 31 23i 2 I 2 RAM SANK err carlas 27 fpfported by IL EI, Fetaards CO, 1.,, ks ea1a4 2' 4 0 1.4 e.b ....0 5 4- Traat i.2 -1- 1 Trot "1,.,2 4.0 Vt 1 l'Arrnrra 1r, Nat.

Bark 1...1 1.1.0 4 1, 3 a Ck, i 1- 1, 2 0 Bank 1,0 1 4- i 21 kk4 1 A 4. ,4 er 87 l'i'r'11(st 4 1,1 0 i i'. er 1-, Ar 1 5 8 Beak Ira; I laa i I n' 1) 57o) 6.1,0 1 2 11. ANTED 0 Odd Lot Quotations i 4 S4.a roe Pr re. it 'i4 Ls MR nU: -I, ir it 2514 44 1.4 .2.0 ...7.

4 It M. Hcrdere.n 7 Wm vor (MI A IS 4 5 I IA lo 1 'I .1 e1 141,1,4 It) IN ill 1, Ile, 10 ik) 011 i .1, t'i Standard 0i13 1571 zs 56 11A 73 1 i' 'r Canada 98.84! Poi 18 82 1: Hold rirm Belgium 16.91 Portugal 4.34 Rate Boost Ctechosl 3.4414 Rumania .75 Denmark .21.24 Sweden 21.51 I it, NEW YORK. Oct Efforts to restrain the Infer0 lbond market held to an even Finland 2.11 Switzerland 22.70istate Commerce Commission from i4i course today. i France 2.661i Argentine .31.80 i enforcing an order to increase coal 1 I Utilities as a group were a shade iGermanY .40.06 Brazil 5-85' rates to the Youngstown district I 4 hi reece gher. but rail and industrial is .8 Alexie 71 a ....20.50, today Was bring sought by the sues displayed about an even di- Hungary a 1985 Japan 278 Pittsburh.

Lisbon and Western ll I vision of plus and minus signs. 29.88 ailroad Company, a subsidiary Dealings in United States ov- ...5.2614 Illongkong 1 Jugoslavia 2.34 Shanghai. Rf Ne g' 00 the Pittsbarch Coal Company. i :4 prices1thrrds 54.43 1 ernments were light, with A hearing was held in Federal 4-32nds of a point lower tol kreat Britain in doil.ro, others in centLi I Court before Jade J. Warrcri 1 1 4-32nds of a point lower to lc Rate Boost Canada 98.84Is Poland Belgium 16.91 Portugal 4.34 tectiosl 2.4414 Rumania .75 Denmark .21.24 Sw to restrain the Infer- eden at Boost Finland 2.11 Switzerland 22.70i state Commerce Commission from Efforts France 2.661i Argentine .31.80, enforcing an order to increase mall Germany .40.06 Brazil 5,85 rates to the younestown dIstriell cireeee 147 1 I Mexico ....20.50, today was bring sought by the .19.85 Japan Hungary Pittsburgh.

Lisbon and Western Italy ....5.2614 illongkong .29.681 Jugoslavia 2.31 16.001 Railroad CornP anY, a subsidiary Of ethrl'd 54.43 Ns the Pittsburgh Coal Company. A hearing was held in Federal ktiretit, Britain in dollars, others in cents,) Court bcfore Jade J. Warrcri 27, 9 7Poith 11 23! 22 23 II 5 7.0sIte Pro4 2 3' ii 11 37 1 1 Call 1Toney I I 0 0ire Prhviis 1, In Awl, Arm lar '1, 1N, or riknic. kAccuniniated ur Davis, of the United States IL Gov't. Bonds 4-es R.

M. Gib- of Appeals, and 1 son and F. P. Sehoonmaker, of ne 1 Ninv "max. 0,1, 20 --( AP 1 United States District Court.

The 17 11.1k in trred 4r1 i'le New yr.r3 xe ordered the to, eN ViTs a 11(i 1 'V I'llOW8 OW lammed in I littieS, I I increase its rate on coal sliipmentsi 3 Tress3443-40Junt 1,:, 19 1,1,10 iv, from 60 to 84 cen ts a ton, Eike- 2 41 ..1,7 19 1.6'19 1.7,19 WA ItErMI: SE sr ACE RENTALg i LIVe NOreMber 1. The Bureau says the prrcentage of 11()or 22 23 illI 3: i I I nl- .8 bleet.ulir.p extras. 100.1 er ler ur IT. i 1 Alt I 10 4 1 0 1 2-32nds higher. Among foreign dollar bonds, I 41 German 512s of '65 and Belgium 6s 1, 4 Of 'b5 were up fractions.

0 1 1 Freight Loadings 3 NRW YORK, flki Ttrorrut, 0,11 rulln fich. r. for iite Nierit ended Or.oher r. Included. Oct Pt Prror Wit Yr frO 0 (It Li 911 21 2 Northern Uttectic 1:1 ''a5 I 4i, I- S.

Treasury October 18 0 Internal revenue. 6 236 8,15 56 0 Cu 17 571.761 48 Balance 2,725,364.665:8 4 Do 3Nt4 110 llti 2 no 1:,1 24 11,4 24 3 3 11'. i 1,,,7 2 27 106 22 2 13 3 ,3 4404...1.9 '3 10 3 3 2 4 ,0 12 2 1,1 11,, 2 11,2 3 47 43 10 1 i no Ns ,1 NI 1 It, 3 14.0 3'. 4 1 1 1 2" i 1,,, 2 .196 47 199 ,7 2s 1- ZO, a 49 '3 1913 3 lo9 3 2 l'31 4 17...11, 29 11, 29 11M 2, VA- Inootry fte rot- WW1 831 Contni k3aK pt 8. 1 9612 96' 96' i vox ersy IAA tortet- 'NI A 1 0 Contnt Can 2 3 45 441 4 44' of tt.

tAce AtAtt rmt I 1 Contel Ins I 3 34x i 34 eatee of trtiostrill I were A 34, OArnAnti A trt ott, ..,,1 Ntot 8 41 lk 111 slow. RA, ce 21,, Contra Oil 6'4g 27 29' 2711 2911 Iturtan Wa5 quiet' tind fit rr- 1 Mills rqlsed 0. on no r1E, I 1 Cow I 1 17 17 17 on a nurnhvt ot rnen II tar 70, 53 Core Prod Ref 34 2 691 i 68' 69, 'i 51, 2N. Coty incorp 4, 3 4'S 4' 47 I Pittsburgh Clearings 12,1 19 Crane co 26 39' 2 3918t rottowire ore the tnureS ii I Crane Co pi' 5. 2 116' it 116712 116' '8 It oett be the littsburch II I 2,09 Cream or Wht 2 2 26' '2 26 26'1 ..:1) 31A 8 8...11,, oott 3 lox 9i i 14 NN 0.4( mita 2' 0 oon 397, :,2, 2 33 23 i 33 I ear go 00 Crown 24 1 3 2 ,4) 14 14 117.

ollPr Ir. 13' 14 Cold. Silver Alarket 40, 14.. tx 8 38' i 37' i 38 6'4 3 ruhan-Arn 2 3 S' 5'S i IORK, ART. 1 12 0, Pa I i 5 hat-or-A IS .0:, A 04, Oct.

2o PAtr iroLt 41 8,. 1 CUT till Ptinilhing 7 7 7 tit' I to 5'4 Is' P'rt 54 35 Cortio Pob 2 50 40' I 50 16 c't 't WI 7 3'4 c*ms-Wright 163 3, 612 4,416. isix1-94 1. 1 :43 I 1' 17 I 4 1 1 i 4 A 4 1 '2! Odd-Lot Trading 1 Ppace in pubhe increased 0 i from 68 2 per ctnt in July to 68.8 per ent in I s1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 13, UgUNL I I w) 2 1.4,k lo lia', 1.11,6 ilP! Securities Commission repented 2 111 l'2 49..

1" K. 2'5- today these transact ions by C116- i A 11 132 AS 1.2 1,1 1 1" 33' S71-'1 1'7 107 i tomers with odd-lot dealers or spe-f WU nbrs.titt GlIf10ERY tLES 't-f, 7.,,,,,. 13 rt-, 2 ..11 Is Inli 4 17 3 12 ts 1..4 sts Vie 1. em S'wkl Tbe ommerce Dkpartmet ne et 2 2 -03 N9 :33 .3 12 1, i '1 0- 0'2 '23 l' 2 ,1 1 21 Exchange far October 19.. 10 056 of 957 full-line grocery rkholcsaiers Increased a 4 i 47-42 -1344t V'.

5 1 9 9 '1H, 9 1 prchases Itivolvmg 29:3 :364 sllares: ix cent in II-e second quarter of 1938 over tl7e, n-1 1.,1 230 1,15 l-, 9 I)') I 3s 49-44 39 P31 1 1 1 1.41 17 sales lying 236.4 J9, quarter. sales were down 10 per tent ft-will-- 2 (A '2 'ot v1- 1,2 ,2 9 .2 91 ars. 3. L. io 12 .3.9 94.t;..i131.1.L it.ti..11 cii.

Sne tl-At quarter at 1931, 1 iial, A 1 AO 4 i A 0 I I.

Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.