Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

S. Friday, April 23, 19MI Plittiburgh StinTelegraph Hollywood Highlights Will Open New Season Next Sunday Tr Kenny A Kenny' 1 girt its 57th day. A numbe Include a which pass a a Kennywood A TrnAcrivEty Kennywood girt its 57th A number Include a which through a Park bedeeked, Park wilt be. season next Sun. of new features mystery ride, on passengers are taken dark "jungle." The Dipsy Doodle, popular airplane ride, has returned with more easily maneuverable flying craft.

Then there's the "Enchanted described as a fairyland village tor the kiddies. Xennywood as usual will be open Sundays; only until the daily and picnic season he. gins on May 13. Free 3 and 8 p. concerts wilt be pro.

vided by Danny Nire Ila and his Redcoats. weather per. milting, on Sunday. ROMIA IOUNPLINC' Ittni INNPLINti COIMC Give Baby a Lift! ATTEND ONE OF THE Benefit -MIDNITE SHOWS TONITE AT THEATERS LIMO IIELOW 1 I 1 PURI IP INUITAI 111 PIANT Tit' clintli PUBLIC INVITED 'TO GIANT TI SHOW! I 0 kg. 411110,.

1 Alb Spit nsorsil 1)y Sponsor. il 1)y Mitchum to PiayUnhappy Doctor By LOUELLA O. PARSONS Fernando Lamas with Mary tieer be aCastle veriyt hzehttwl HOLLYWOOD, April Mitchum has the chance of a lifetimeand lees hope he John Kerr le still being realizes it enough to come through and show his appre- sought to play Charles Lind. elation to Stanley Kramer. bergh in "The Spirit of St.

He's been selected to play the sought after role of Ii3u" the eensitive, unhappy doctor ihe "Not as a Stranger first date Pella Ttus sell has had since Andy so Mort Thompson's novel. Stanley tells me that Mitchum cruelly walked out on her, has given him his word there won't be any shenanigans. was with Al Nacaroille at He says this is a complete departure for Mitchum, who Jack'o at the Beach. always plays the lazy, indifferent character. So sorry to miss my girl Jane Wyman's party at her Another thing Stanley has to fight is that many doe- home after the premiere of tora feel this book does not fairly present the medical ''maaniticent obsession." but profession.

But if he does as well as he did with "Caine my other girl. Dorothy Mutiny" hell have a good picture. ners, was there. Dorothy also il, took in the Ross Hunter INTERESTING TO ME, party, which I also missed. and nostalgic, too, is the Rhonda Fleming with her Mpeld friend, theater msg.

word that Gottfried Rhein- son and four male escorts, nate Bob O'Donnell. end his hen is going to produce dined at theGourmet-Beverly. wife Tootsie arrived just in "The Miracle," time for the premiere They Well. there's sarotv In num, Rhonda Fleming with her on and four male escorts, dined at the Gourmet-Beverly. Well, there's safety in num.

Castle (these two seem to be an every night date). John Kerr Is still being sought to play Charles Lind. bergh in "The Spirit of St. Louis." The first date Ttus. sell has had since Andy so cruelly walked out on her, was with Al Never Ille at Jack's at the Beach.

So sorry to miss my girl Jane Wyman's party at her home after the premiere of "Magnificent Obsession." but my other girl. Dorothy ners, was there. Dorothy also took in the Ross Hunter party, which I also missed. Mpold friend, theater msg. nate Bob O'Donnell.

and his wife Tootsie arrived just in time for the premiere. They Benefit Rose lia Foundling Home Building Fund attended Jane's party, but will soon return to their Dallas home. That's all today. See you tomorrow! teotoritht.19154IntrmatIonat "tem Sem: aproduettoto In whole or ta pa ttfittly pr4tAt9Ite4. Dallas home.

That's all today, See you tomorrow! ritht. Mt. Intrmationat Peeps Seri. nioponditetion in linnie et ta pa fancily tko Catkorins Variety Fund itentoRt for Roselle Foundling Horne GREAT SHOWS FOR A GREAT CAUSE! Doors Open 11:30 P. MaSTARTS 12 MIDNIGHT Starring PERRY COMO DEIIIIIS JAMES and Other Network Stars Syria Mosque.

Tomorrow flight 11 P. Li. To 3 P. 11. (Continuous Show) bers General Admission Section open to all making ccmtributions to Rose lia Foundling Home Building Fund at door.

$500 Reserved Section Tickets On Sale at Syria Mosque LEONA Homestead CROTON Crafters GRANO Carnegie TEMPLE Sheridan ORPIIEUM Mattes Rocks PARAMOUNT Craddock CIRCLE. 'Kensington III 44 () PITTSBURGH BUILDERS ANNUAL LAST 3 DAYS! ifeh 1 ity fi Ar ao rt Yourself 44044tr, 0 '41 SECTION 4 aCtirES Milo BAM! pISPLAV 49 AN 1...0 .7 "4'; 1. a if, 4141117. 010111P a 1: 7 25 000 NY'Srie i MAW i 1.0t ee 1 hi, "iiiiivill BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY 01.314 ilt PM tumult Lvadiseig co. 41:: 1.0 lt.

"LIMN MI Thrills MORI THAN 350 ellgt Modem ar, EXHIBITS 2000 PRODUCTS Living' ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL! t' AteNdes SiM 0319131? AR 0 RY DAILY II TO 10:10 P. OA. 1 Iseil. NNW VIII amino MIA, iPII. 3 2 i VitININSSUINI, 1 lilt 4 )( Oli 00(1 orti I BA LIR 0 A I 7 CLYDE KNIGHT WICK AT TONI PAY011011 t.STANLOYWAIIIIII- MATHS 11014 ANS SANDIE! pISPLAV 4 BA LIR 0 orzocca, A I DANCE CLYDE KNIGHT ORCH SATURDAY SAIL MYSIWY GOLDEN COUPLE CONTEST 1011 Thrills II Moder Living' LAST 3 Nagle a re OWL? Pan Linial Lootsei; CO.


ev fize frio DMIIIIE-10 gee I PLEASE I TKEATRES 'LIBERTY East Liberty ROOSEVEi ARCADE Soutbaido KENYON ARSENAL Lawroacoville SONENLEY Wisest OAT. Oliver -ABC S. St. es Bahostit BLUE DELL et, O. I UI.

Int of WO. Vs 110 Wen BROOKSIDE O. Ong li tatt- Meow logiollopWrifiVit CAMP HORNE 10,4414 et. I I 4,4 IPPI litol. howl Ile 44127 COLONIAL View ttepto 5Ift at.

St. 4 MI Ins PIM 0 etA 44. WAnallY eliifD 0x 11 AT DISE -It, (la' rifV THEATERS ch it 51. 4 MI Item "MASSACRE 4 AT HESE THE "FLIGHT "All TIN ROA. TI "CAPTAIN "Man "SASIII '10UN "MAD Iles "MASSACRE Byron Palmer, on of Judge and Airs.

'Harlan Palmer, is certainly one of the handsomest entertainers the Mocambo had had in a Ion time, lie's good, too. There to sea him were his proud parents, Mrs. Bob Eaton and her husband, and HERE'S PUTS YOU IN ef, 4., oot, rop 0 P4 C. 0 4 1 ii.m:4;"". 4, 41 7 1- 11.44; 4 s' 01 40 014,416 THAT ONLY 4.

i 6. -41 0 4 4 Siir 7 4 i NIGHT NEXT THURSDAY TOMO SAWN I POI IMINEMIEMME.MM, 1 riegitRI TZ11.1 Atari' TOMORROW? 10 A. 00. Finsr must atiu t11101411401 Atari' TOMON IA A. M.

Finsr must atiu 614011Ma 1 4 0,0, 04o a .,4 A ,.4. tol .4. 411 IBIS IS fvflffittlittlitt i 0 .4 4 I A t. 4.rad i fot THRILLING ILLING REALISM! YR NAL ILIUM CitsamarecoliCt I me VuslotiCaot CEASE FIRE! iv- Nes mow 9 lint DAY MMINS: SILVIS "no me ream mu I II ovrts I 0 i of I MAIM! 0 i1 (11 sou ND I ots Nopo.ison toosoloo Gli Pia Ititaill" II OW bt Itanae.km THRILLING CEASE 1RE! IMMO Pir r.aa,wI tit k. nips, o4.661towgot 1.0'3 REALISM! I I 1111111)) Seem PU11111! la algoo 0, iff, zr CitsamAgeoliCt PI pow pet 01011161 SILVERS tit 1 4oaa ma Pia louder oboe imp inlisiartow MarCN Jerry Lewis TO LATE SHOW TONITIEI Loot Nieuwe Stark II P.

IC IISTARLUMfa "Ono of Fullest p*rno Comedies Is Yoorst" Crrtior N. r. Vow "GENEVIEVE II Color by Tooke looter STAIRINO Dinah Sher IdoeJoho Grogtoo 60011 epee 1 P. M. SM01110 IL.

UM Law, owt Was boon Wo Moe 1 10 DI aquas, ors, 144 tliiiiirows Jwad ifir-ea Gt. ht.v. to illY POST ir "Loft Log Trolice-fol. Iltst Attow -ohit "lArt If filfi-oa Mao Ibto Yee' Vossoo' 6ido wilt i Gm 64 I Stiosit-aL It "ClAttlit GS. 11C11111ro 4 IWO LiberSIP INIONT last tawny UM111111 aahismi STRAND Oftland mAnol.

emelt Ni II Virus 'Maui trio Neameoeito alas "FLIVIr 8 eta. SI LAU-114i leg Will "SA1IA1C11101111. eol est 11111 MOLLYWNO. hump afata paal haws Deese Seed oa hag I. ahhaa Imo Oen to "Yob lag Sal Neat' IN rlahlalli oak: laop, Nallaa Jose Omaha ot Ita a a hat a ha 6 42 6iel aunt had Poe Oahe -a .199 lhog loa Asians 14.

taw It. 11011. ate liaao bias afft hals; '1111 Vial. aha "Dolt te ha Ileant94 Veit ha want habaaa atitellaaa ale "top S. ahlTalaawel hoe hal 1w allagaile ato 119 I.

II. atl 'hues how ttar Mae PION MOW. Isettah.o." IN tltaalb oral Ihi 10a 11.mot 1110011110 libiathte tkometa-4 sot 1 ftat-1ae aro 1 Aka 11111Y014 tiortik Side USUAL Losmisoomo 0 KAU AMI11101 MAUI emor riofiliir 7 SitNNIAL PI, a STRAND "ROSE MCILI, 'Ail if roykowel.0 Ara op Award ltanwil ItsM Worts Now Amid Ii tte I ite6 Pws. 0011 Ofitl I. llyeste Onteabott 1 I I I I i 1 I i I 1 1 1 I remember so well when his lather, Max Rhelnhart, staged "The Miracle" in New York at the Century Theater with Lady Diane Manners.

I was at the first night performance, and what a gala event it was. Gottfried has rented an auditorium In Cologne and will present "The Miracle" this Summer. He has ob. tamed leave of absence from MGM. It was Gill Le Baron who brought Mae West to Holly.

wood and who directed her earlier (and most successful) picture', at Paramount. Now Bill is making a trip to New York to try and get Barney Balaban to sell him "Diamond Lil." He wants to remake it In partnership with Mae. Ile would like to do It independently, and Is assured of a Columbia re. lea se. However, much water has passed under the bridge since Mae made "Diamond Lit" and I believe a younger actress would have to be chosen for the remake.

SNAPSHOTS OF HOLLY. wood collected at random: Your Horoscope By FRANCES DRAKE Saturday, April 24 March 21 to April 20 (Arles) Through the unexpected your outlook could be bettered. Be on the beam. look around for new forces and new favors. Earn reward with honest in.

tent AND action, but don't rush things and err. April 21 to 31ay 20 (Taurus) Measure your ability to carry on to a successful conclusion the tasks before you. Don't overload self; it can react more harmfully than you think. May 21 to June 21 (Gemini) You may be under pressure, encounter Irritating eircum. stamps in early hours.

Be smart, hold emotions in check. June 23 to July 23 (Cancer) Most sound activities are tinder favorable espects now. Financial, business transae. Along can Improve. and per.

sonel matters ran advance July 24 to Aug. 22 (Leo) Encouragine opportunities for you who think logically. Keep your good nature in order to counteract adverses, relieve tension. Aug. 23 to Sept.

23 Possibly you will have assist. once in business efforts. Be gracious, return in kind. Your ability to make the best of a $o-so situation will come in handy. Kept.

24 to Oct. 23 (Libra) Work harder to Improve pros. peets. Your business acumen and intuition will guide. Have lI determined but not foolishly optimistic attitude.

Oct. 24 to Nov. 23 (Scorpio) Don't harass yourself and your progress by undertaking tasks or transactions that do not belong in Dec. our schedule. Nov.

23 to 22 Ciagit. (anus) Scorpio's prescription is sound for you now. Your tendency not to get sufficient rest could be a hindrance. Dee. 23 to Jan.

21 (Capri. torn lPlanets in generally in. auspicious aspects, stress com mon sense. conscientious treat. ment of business, personal, any matters.

Jan. 22 to Feb. 20 (Aquarius) difficult; you may encounter snags through others' lack of concentration, laxness. Do not let down your guard these vital days. Feb.

21 to March 20 (Places) With application and pers. Verance you can surmount ob. structions much more easily. YOU BORN TODAY are of Taurus. a brainy Sign.

You are determined and. once you make a decision, will stay with it. I This attitude must be developed properly or you will only be. come stubborn where you 1' could be procressive. Of course, ,1 hold to principles.

tried-and. true methods. Be open to good 1 suggestion 1 Sirthdato of: Anthony Trol A lope English novelist. moot Ight. i 1134.

King Fulton lirndlL InCO I IT tso Its lease Bre tbors Wino NatioIN.Tech. IfiN, Ann Niyt. lswart Grange, Mactane "TANI THE HIGH GROUND" akawo widowed'. Katt Mshisa Neville Brand Cartoon JET'-4ach. No bort Stack Geo.

Montgomery as Ms Oros 0,11 NAINCIANNVincont Price Ilas Alan et Ills Tossifyins No Other Form of Entertain. meet Can Provide THE THRILLS HE EXCITEMENT THE ENJOYMENTThat Will II Yours When You See Carey DEPENDABLE The Atmakor Award Mow, "FR011 NINE TO ETERNITY Premw fibula lies. Iran Inert 6111NOS 11 infers" Tech. Geo. Montgomery EL RANCHO THUNDER OVER THE PLAINS' Pt MI Wm 1 limn.

Lei nark et li oldsilwo Irak It. 26 GLORY Metur RREENTREE "litany lay" Tech. Alan Ladd. P. Medina "STAND AT APACHE I Corse" Oiled L7711 litrpArn 11104Ht DEPENDABLE Prem.

I Mosolos lies. Iran EL l'-1C110 lirlftnills, Pt Mt Wm 1 SoisoSIWS inst. St. ZS OREENTREE IMMIPIPII 11 kolma rOCal 11 Cossel66. Itisol 1,7711 Carol, Bear Miss Parsons on KQV Tuesday at JO p.

m. PROOF THE PICTURE! tAllost Imposed phoffs tele' deriag I poderoonee IS Owens. Illtirevt lo HI SAS loon iow4 M.o.) two. tk Iwo 4otm. 7 W) it) s30me.

daiig son Teat. In.) I 70--truw wig I.U. lilt $1 2)twe. St 67, IT U. 6e Z41 th WARNER THEATRE Won 11441 NriV raArrott Ottir tkma.

-kowy tom NOMA Tden 0.1h Dein Masan. -14t87 1.41411. 401 fleow Tort. with llotort Itywa Midnito lboy. 1141041 sumibt P.

vow', NEW MAh 414 or Pm. orikm.4 too Power' litioovor Ft ladle And 6041 vita jump 114yro In.n Artmor It4111.119fill 14011 lemma An. 1 --tin Jr t1oko Serorh, 1 nrinwt, "Th Crwh mum(' Tech sitti: Ctir 114dtpos P464 Short I Peirutss Admission. lat. MM.

Cu. 0414e lfltflhIflbiii geopo rtil 14,11 with (NI M.11111,01 1 Joon W414011. PILO lbeist104 Atitort alio I Oftnnt Illtkooll IllorbelmaOn w. nototo 'Ttitt Toth trolh my AtotPtott. Joa n'oldn A ph4eetleN WIN stomp, non, one I PAllAblut ur 1140 Ntlitatme toetn aa loon, a r.

tr. no Int Ph It41 R.SWittil roohor. And Nobort Pool to or PAktuV Onkos Palo' aano, Pn 110noo-, Al I YomIllo clth If tfradell. ru.rr nut AAP fldrovond, tam. rtmor stnty r.

Ilan Kaoral '-votro Morons -aanp, paainaa 21 4b. Wert nat. MAL 1 'hottlo of hom*o Moor" Toon. inotta VALI' tItufl Arran Sutton hototot. 'UP Wboton In -It.

con thine" An't, Pod t'ootoaou 'In ide the Ptah To-P Ilene OlfNne notbAlooPfmff Were to glohil' with Pert Afronpmorp Cliff. And -Thip Strip'! loin Anoint noon'', rettatt, OtOoarn. Irn 11111AT lbolvichlaloOb our Pon. (ramie Woo Pntl'ot Would, tn "llookstohooant Tooh In, 30. Pis Polooted Short 111101P10, It I oofin "Jr V.

10 rIVit Toot NOM. Da In in it it'd wt Merl 'YvtIfl b-rialo lb pitor' oon I Od. 111 PI I) h.uloo," Jor.hot" And Johnnv Vionomtillot In Clonoll la IF lith Ate. riolosloest aaolnoy, I 1...,11 110Inplato Potsil. TT.

cord et Walton', A' 4 rine Cuter INN ittorting Mutton' Not TIMM tAtothdopt eh our erat Por'oe Atonor Pnom hom*o' .00 irith Dots Marlin. Jo lawoult An4 'non 'it ntlipel Plffia VOnda HARMAR 81. 211. Now Otto Seams. 2t15 HILL TOP do SWUM 4g000g Seesaw Me Oil KENNAWR Pt.

SI SAN lam iambs. tersosol st.14sr; THIS IS kW Po "IT If TONIGHT at 8:40 TWO 611M MIT: 'Ti. Gnat Sioux Uprislar Jeff Chandio 1risomor of bode" S. Granger, D. Kort Wyman.

Sterling hoyden 1ORT Geo. Montgomery riarto. tirribill KIM'S 0 MICHAUD itAllio I iiLLIOTT 1 0 Sealed feeteniel, Pakhatriato. The Colonvolitialth et Poi main OM tswrvoil the tient to Dot or all ells Vol to 1eill et Mal any pail of 114 MTV StrtsbitstiOl DISANTMENT AND pa itilATtoll AFOUL Al. Dole and tireivit litti be toente at the ellia el trot Catinoot.

Foot awe. kalahltp, tiltobesph wt. it id Ull A. M. S.

a A War 4 and will be publicly Awned one tea one leer laser Us Rona 40 r.tp.ce,ite beitene. f.r the. JADOIOVINANT IJ? 41111(11'4 SANAA AND StAllellioUNDA 'MOHO TNO 1-4I rintilMAIT VINO. leo-POPS CAttlIN ISATIA AT 11T PANIC 11.41MACT NO 11ook.o4l QUARRY SLAS AollOtolD CIMOIACS 11-4tAtOtA or OVAL CHANTv.7.ND CultIP Acr le-PA 1 orr twi AND CheillAtAlo le.0404. C.INIKA.V tin Tsai VA 1 1110i At Ibtktilw400 NUT NO.

I Nripeav so. Al lows otTeArtNI AND e'ne-111 LUCA WM4 impitrarmitml nt IV twat! an. WANK TA No. 00011. rounf al tot 11---ealrfo auttvieutpro AAAPAcwriAtA? Intuit pap NO AS.

AiteNVI No. itotto patella; ILO tioso ArilLrrif letr VAPPOJA 4, N711 SO. wo Otto I AIMilST 1--CALCIUNI elliA0.014 The AIDIOST I The litinolano sage yawl Solto leioade SU those prolate Wool be a with UM 041Jia1 SuN bet At W. Ps" iAA Ad V4o mist too Mad. we AA AAAAAAll At PAAAAat tAt wassail Dia ol Wok to be os lb.

AdMilwassibm Limes Waiewity Pao. a and slot I IV lv4. Selassie alitaninft art emnialom. wawa Sr ilori 4 I be imported es ineetwel e4 AO lbteder poi to Wham. le AW.

All 4 III Wulf lot IlleallperieS Sit le the wow At we ow Won A Pe I la a- t.aaa dot tool no ore .1111 a Wrap Dime Sr Caponr AEA IAAAI b. too Ntm pitowtri the city 1. Pisa eloalefeo elate De Vona of tomel oat 40 wi-olo04 54 In. Adiroloiltitotion Po kliae. L1.049 Sell flotive ppe VIII bo AS lot Sae rola and Ssl NO mist ilmbril Iv MIll w.II be weer le.eette the Lite rattbettb.

A VW Vire ANS AAA et AAA a sot 11,44, twee an4 H. Dittele .4 Shy Doppii to0o .4 Pals Sal to. as. the 004 le fetal my AA APAAAukt frAtAID IIATIVAAtt A Pe-la A Notailliell ihollt a II-. Lere A NADU, halle flit of Psillektitilit 1 C3 AR'0111, Al ilth.

Mil a010 et.aaaa 0,0 lbw it In. titt. 1.4 toe ve Athenl 1 so, .010, .46 $1, Aol att. totwi tit $11 0 40 a M. it 0 MAO $1, 1004 01,4 0,11 p.om,--Ip 150.0,0 St I I oti 4.

M. SA 1,0 00 A $11 I lit I in the 049400 wit 114, 11,0,00 ra00110100ott, I 110aa 1it 1 001 hoh O. P1111000, Eh 000 101.001 T000.0 10,101 rime me 60.4.1 IlatAing 1..1.. 16.4141,ov. 04 rigida bliaortais, Psaa its .11..181 lablittif b'gnitit and wet.

Ita 111111100 gwoth ,00,11000 1., gni 104E, nE 11401hOl With 10.el 11,110,011 0101 1011 004 at 0 ,101 1111 th at, 04 100 44 I 11.1.61 IP14hoth Po 4,4.1 I IMP "cilia the, bold I. Oa at a 0000100 le th 0,0001, Int MO 11..4 tho orovititgliclis 11,1 a hat biliot ,11 1011 "4, oal 104 et see eee. IN rut to 1,0.4 lat Mgr 0111 01'4 Pa 0 0 4,100 lina t. ortyN 41 bole tI sePtipli el P4141 INonielolmort tow Ike tirst Mita 00 004 alt 100a, 114M00 1711nit. Derek.

M. Frogman 'loch. Glo Young. Polly Bergen ireAm MAPLE nSCAPE FRON FORT INAVVTch. Ho le ingl.

lin WM to. P.M. floamor Parte LO SOW lid ail 111 tiiinelott Tr moue Ox PM, Pie," ttttt it I eetwre Tofhnteolot Montgomery el Ike tillesRhonda toTkeeeoebtrite--John Derek. M. Freeman Tech.

Young, Polly BefgIt Fooffimff.m..ffm, loneh.monnoun.ommoP -ENJOY A MOVIETON14-1-171 3.. Ate 41) 1,040. oe otoololielk MOVIE 4' 118611" -ENJOY A MOVIE-. LAP. DA JULIt'S Catilan', I IvNIPP2 )k ASC4; 1 102 Lel MASTER'S OF RE1 tha Coda Atteehrny a PALM all'itPlid sot, oit.s:Nti iroftTIN.

OA ILI and UCIU Pareuent tr. siss ra.tss sast sus, CrinnIDOR enemrir 11 CisAtrr rtitaitat, AY tsA 4144, TI.na a dew enalra in II In the it ditiv(nsits Count' that sar and Sansa rr II rn; noinnan Lt MC 4 in 1.4 1,1 1. H. Ohs itacordesi PenSidyll Voitirn past mai-Malabo' a and 4 to It IP St. Visa, In bald Pr anti, lama Valuta is Sand is $6.

Wats' Of r. da i1 nu rte11 arodind bad! be saserstna Ina I 6 tart a 41.1.1 ,..9, Haddial tear atary hemp boa non as Itelt TERMS I 1.4 to b. lune a( Lae and donflitNalbol and IhI laud, to be pro driinsay at drrat. Utitit la rairet 14 II adjourn ine withont I. Si lisprIl bs Patobssatts 19.

Metter In Per a IINoLD Int 1114 Plea Patabartals in. 107 CKSItralnam'S sNitdirt I S'stort NORTH Plil .1 NOM I 10 1114 Dentidedn at roper nsairrst U. 6) The ColMa4110 Ina III ts, car ra dill anr, aprned and 1 lb. tot pluesItYLVatil PInr A da i all' lino. Haab 4 ol'aart PrHtt la Inset roll, Ps at illhaers 6,1.1.4 At.

win' Il pismeivaTtos4 a lorisid tirenha I. Prote.9 Pk 141 tartan a Plover u414 atilasals till COUNTY nnhall al sr ea.tU end anaphs alosres, ilsortahi tio l44 end to Paola IS brit, linaithe IS 'Pr. 4 111,1 tit aIttlet I Mesa tsansers al ila sossasolas h. In an ItINKI0 int d.n, tint 444.1 ansnmitt.n not la itottio4 ints. Nati praat IOW rnandate eels an Midst naiad na Papa a.

and fluaaltes. dame, and dope 6' era abnan V0196404 awl Vora Fate ant en the of Ilona ind sat we, end earsaltat within ten 10 Ve at Inds ma. antra PLAN A ND lirti.1 Parr 1111 I 'mg I I IS ALLooil slier Dratelonipind ps, gototruI," 1.4sr DAKI 411 lit it CALSAll't "Ir11. 1 fl. .,4.

I 182 Legal 7MASTER'S OF REAL 1st tho OHM (Ur A Itreheny Aunc4N1034 FAUN btritPliY CoLENIAN pooftytti. BAILKY potartu and tattotatt Parguant tar lindatsittood Matta, asA (Moot '44 Consinnit elleriTY CatArrt peNtioftS4N14. bdAY ta. 4144. It 'rho folkVine davanatod in the ttuat In tho 4 A da atoms COMM.

AL1, that sthate Ir. Ito boroush 1,.0, lot MC 4 41 St. br 2 H. Iti Pensillyltnia. Voitirn 1.4t autaativtators 01 and 4 to It br L.

ft. Woe, In said Bnontat book Valium mat) Atm of auto A Bnurtionth tanatha 44.4 F(wrong an teat Jose" Olson. Pim HAMM'S Ofwiod rarl tplian0 bor. Hit. TERNS the 94 to b.

lime of tale $oil bowl antillotNalSoll onp Ui. .41 bi be eoetp et deed. ucht to impel wl I ad PAIM IOW Wit Ind Pittotottert 19. beestr In Per1111 dittlenta P. Altman 1114 rriet Plitbarett 14, 107 weisioNWID.AT11 ferPAIITWIA Or DLItillott too, II.

NORTN, 141(1 OtAPtIttalteInt, Iiitilli II li) Rod NI (Wows ellere 4) C.I.k 11 Itastet 711 Cointanttonit), I. otil to reloe proposal's Opened woe Igoe 1,4 the telie Olv (tWine A Ye, 0.1116111-1, lien 1 ol'et1'1 P3111 lo Niel rot', Inht a ilthweri. et wince jootweivaTtooN Itm ell or( a 1106411mo( eleefhe 1. 010161 Not I Onot truili A trooloorr vow tiT, A moloos400 ll riliiNTY of er too. th oe libapplo 161eet.

lie mei. doLiteete sod i 111601e 1 13114 0,4 liotAihe 13.1. 04.1ce et 01,1 lee 11 erlf aohlee I fling il Itteeosere Ili, Ibt H. it owowoo.owwswil rei. Ise en enemot co bet Pewee we ttlorit1.4.

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Wert, "TEXAS Wilhamih 11Swe OF THI 81.111"--Gloton 11 NetiCIS Notices PUBLIC SALE ESTATE et CoMMMI BOA County. pwril. At) Bal, Brosalla Pm( I. and VC MIRA ItB.N1(Y. pokT1S.

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Ms selected Mort illeed leosoAlesde-on 1.4el nor Glisht Prato me erm.1.94- Wm. it Po Got Modiwn. ON, Premium talk 44 cos. IL 111 rent 'soot wr. nom, iso, meet, no our Widd Ane'reon uul Madison to The Cnamaral' Telt a Cinomadenta.

And i Siena. Hoodoo to Toe' Troth hods 11.111M pot. Lowtn011. I Cosfe llo "SO TO MUT PIM Sto 1141 tinEMMEEMM Al 7 016110 Walesa '(15 WILLIAM Doe WAlling i JUNE AA Mary Walling 1 1 DARBARA Triklway ri '14 FREDRIC Loren re Shaw 1 I i WALTER PI DGEOss rtoi Alderion I'l 0 SHELLEY Eva rAut Walter Dudity LOUIS as George Casweil i 46. 1101 AN iftso Grimm 1-1 iciNA Erica Startle 1:1 rtg, STARTS SATURDAY! MAY 1STLOBV'S PENN 1r Walling Walling Triniway Pe Shaw 1, Alderaon ea EVi 102 Utal Kelas II.

34,0 1 boa014.00 It 403 It. 4- LIE, 1,0400.084 31. Tv. 4wpm and 1144to.11 01 MI 0010,00 400oomf 00 0.10000t0I IP 6.0,400 .0. 1414 4.

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Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.