Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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011-1111mnimmoonnolm a 4 1 1 Al armtwonm FORT 'WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM-SUNDAY IMEMilEMEINIPMMMINIMMOMMIEMEMIENIIIIMIIINOMEEMMOIEMMOMMIBIENMEEMOMenkrM0NEJ FORT WORTI1 STAR-TELEGRAAI-SuNDAT sc STJ PAGE TWO SUNDAY FEBRUARY 4 1934 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 4 1934 It ASIN UNTIES 'ED 114SIN c-IIVINTMSTS ''A i 11 I Believe It or Not It nva Ntitit DUCTION MARKET PACT itri NEAR VERDICT lioN i PACT vElloicT FOU HIGH INITIAL IN YATES GAUGED Piq ni flu 1 I i i 1 1 I I I I1 ir I 1 1 I i I i II 3 I i NE ly 'y IrEVELO 41 By Ripley itrivE COASTAL -0 SPOTS IIATCHEEI PirhIPIET Taxation Rate on Gasoline Ranges From 3 to 8 Cents mmo kftwilmi '-a Sr AmoworAlk1 -WQ000morogen-- --1movetionr MalE to- 111 QIN So 143 hatat- Conference at Washington Is Called Tuesday Price Gains Are Held Intact tt Washingrton ruesday Price Idol Intact Area Southeast of Manvel Brazoria County Figures in Lease Hay by Majors Mid-Kansas Producer Flows 825 Barrels an Hour at Total Depth of 1 1365 Feet 00 I gold RmliNro Lz: :2 (CONTINUED FROM PAGT3 1) (CONTINUED PROM PAGE I) PROM PAGE 1) MOS 11 f-t41040Pinasonommenoneolowim- 1eit z- sor ''1' 21A1764t407-'1610Alowint4414t: -naMMIZIOUFMn rktildi0F2MikitOttlrt AMP 1M7 AL1 '1-z re rmeta--- "Pr p4(4mi g4'1r1" MettiltWIE1100014o'-'- NVASIIINGTON Feb federal -gasoline tax of one-half cent per gallon expired Jan 1 19M but the federal tax of one cent remains and there are six different State tax rates to pay when you travel this year Here's a table showing gasoline tax rates in each State Add one cent for the federal tax In Alabama Louisiana Missouri Mississippi New Mexico and Florida look out for additional 'city or county taxes or both Tax rates are given in cents per gallon: Disirict of Columbia Missouri Rhode Island Delaware Illinois Iowa Kansas Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota New Jersey New York North Dakota Pennsylvania Indiana Maine Maryland Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire Ohio Oklahoma South Itakota Texas Utah Vermont West Virginia WISC0118112 Wyoming be--Arizona Idaho "Kentucky Louisiana Montana Oregon New Mexico Virginia Washington Arkansas Geor- gia Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee 7: ii -Lt 7:27 -4 --t 1- 4-coli 7" 1 1 i i 1 It''4i''''''-4(1'iX: 7 S- 4) 1(711 0 i'1- it ripD'FR''' i 3-7-1 i "1- 1-I 0 'p D-F t173---it----" 1 mot' nP" tin 1-1 1111 111:: bmomcaom ams11rmung Ih: 1 a l'I) li il3 '14" 1 ti) I I tinned last week to be expected momentarily Judging by the amount of material in briefs of both law and evidence submitted to the court as well as the work involved in writing an opinion lawyers had calculated that the latter part of last week vas the earliest at which the decision could be expected Such calculations having to take into consideration the fact that the judges of the court are transacting other business daily are necessarily approximate However it is generally caletlated that it can be expected any day this week Basic Factors Good The underlying conditions in the business continued good according to the weekly statistical reports on sup ply and demand supplied by the Bureau of Alines When the allocations for the Winter months were an nounced by this federal agency some oil men were inclined to believe that they would prove too high and unwieldly additions to storage might be the result However with the latest reports bringing the record up to January and with only the short month of February to intervene before the busi mess will square away toward Spring demand the showing made so far is considered "bullish" to a large degree With a Winter demand then meeting the full expectations of the oil administration and with daily reports of record business from automokile factories auguring well for next "''usimer's demand not a few oil men are allowing themselves to look forward to a "big year" to be expected riming by the amount efs of both law and to the court is involved in writing Fere had calculated rt of last week was ch the decision could tis having to take I the fact that the urt are transacting lily are necessarily )wever it is generat it can be expect- week tctors ood conditions in the il good according to reports on Fun- supplied by the PA- Vhen the allocations months were an- federal agency some Lined to believe that too high and un- to storage might be the latest reports )rd up to January he short month of vene before the busi- away toward Spring owing made so far llish" to a large de- demand then meet ectations of the oil id with daily reports as from automo'Cle well for next Sui a few oil men are res to look forward Corbett No 12 survey A Flemming also purchased acreage in this area at 5 per acre with Mills Bennet also acquiring approximately 100 acres Two miles southeast of the Manvel pool in northeastern Brazoria County Harrison Oil Company purchased about 150 acres in the Thomas Spraggins survey paying around $15 per acre This company staked location for No 1 Howe 903 feet from the west line and 440 feet from the north line of DO acres in block 13 Thomas Spraggins survey Six and one-half miles southeast of Davis Hill in Liberty County and on the east side of the Trinity River Wilcox Oil and Gas Company purchased subject to titles 1000 acres with an obligation to drill a test to the co*ck field This 1000 acres is out of a block of 4000 acres owned by Showers Moncrief and Perry Hun nicutt which was shot with seismograph reflection method centering on James Knight survey Five miles northwest of the Ario la pool in Hardin County 2100 acres were turned to Boles Thomas cen tering around the I Hamilton survey for a test This test is to be spudded the latter part of March or first of April South of Emmet prospect in Harris County Southern Liberty Oil Company (Golding Murchison) assembled a block comprising approximately 8000 acres centering around the No 9 survey for a test Location is in the northeast corner of section 9 survey block 4 and is now drilling at a shallow depth This location is in an area worked by several major companies with geophysical instruments fhe CARRIA 'AMR'S IORD OR HAIM RAGGS TOOK A CAB To 13RIGHTON PIER To YIsIT Hts YACHT-N5TRUCTINC Vie CAW To WAIT FDA MAL WitILE ABOARD' LORD DRAGGS DECIDED TO TAKE A CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD Tile PATIENT CASSY WAITED DAY AFTEk DAY FoR 599 DAII53 HOURS AliD I 5111NUTE5 UNTIL HE RETURNED ARCHER HOLDS DRILLING PACE He received iEN19 6d fare (4sto 29) Iss7-81 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE J) v41 0 ---1'4L Treln Awl ir 1 1 i 1 -4- 4- -v cl Iv tt i nee----- armo Si I eels-lease -10----- ealt--4a1t1T667 INAKIPM1111 b009 NCO 14 1 A I fr 4 14-z444rost-40 1'1'14" lirs10vAWA P'n -4 1 114-10 1 Totrertio mo Revival in Basin Work Indicated ri Basin Indicated BIULE CAKE State Offers 20847 Acres of Oil Land 4162 CUPS 1 KINGS 4:12 1 CUPJODU5 5:25 Last Clause MPS JERFAIAR 6:20 CUPS 1 SAMUEL 30:11 Cops NAHUM 312 I TEASPOONS 1 SAMUEL 14:25 6 oFTEREMIAli CUP3UOGES 4:19 La5t Clause ZTtASPOot45 AMOS 4:5 SEASON TO TASTE WITH 1 CHRONICLES 9:9 MIDLAND Feb of at least a partial revival of the hectic days of 1927 '28 and '29 when Midland and Odessa were oil boom towns are seen during the past few weeks Midland has fewer vacant houses and apartments than at any time since the bad days hit and Odessa reports practically all living quarters taken and heavy hotel occupancy One ad company tried to lease all the cabin' of a tourist camp for two years Revival of building in both Odessa and Midland is believed just around the corner Midland is particularly anxious to get modern apartment houses for the expected rush of oil men during the next two years Odesses streets show the greatest business activity since the early part of 1930 and several new business houses have already opened The revival is mainly due to actual and prospective development in Ector and Andrews Counties eh of at evival of the hectic and '29 when Mid were oil boom towns be past few weeks 'ewer vacant houses Ian at any time since and Odessa reports ving quarters taken Occupancy One oil all the cabins for two years ding in both Odessa believed just around is particularly modern apartment rush of oil a next two years show the greatest since the early part new business tdy opened mainly due to actual leveloPment in Ector trifles tsttil DR- A 0 PIELT011 1 I 44 GAFNEr 1z aesfia q't Kan5ers Platettah4 comPLETED Irlye 10 YEARS Or SCHOOL WORK AT Imt AC OF 14 6 months of internship Wo-Mac Oil Company No 2 Perkins in block 17 Bell County school lands Boller area has been completed as a 70 barrel well on the prmp from lime at 1499-84 feet One mile northeast of Megargel Martin Son have spudded No 1 MeAnnally in block 4 Meade Pasture- subdivision Maxson Jr et at are swabbing No B-1 Perkins in south half of block 25 Bell County school lands and the test is showing oil It is in semiwildcat territory and its completion will add new arceage to the proven area of the Boller pool The lime was logged at 1485-87 feet Fain McGaha Oil Corporation No I A Mangold in the southeast part of block 17 Mangold subdivision north of Mankins a wildcat has been abandoned at a total depth of 1770 feet Humble Oil and Refining Company No A-1 Longley in block 77 Jefferson County school lands is drilling at 900 feet Deep Oil Development and Lindsay No 2 Wilson lease B-5 block 4 section 75 A survey This test is an offset to the biggest producer in the field which flowed 2000 barrels at the time of its completion about two years ago Horwitz McDaniels No 4 Benson in section 1808 survey northeast of Olney in the south part of the county is completed and swabbed 250 barrels from the 027-35 foot sand Bridwell Oil Company No E-2 Falls in the north half of block 20 Falls County school land has treated the lime with acid from 1105-15 feet and is waiting on results The same company made location for No E-3 to be drilled 600 feet from south and east lines of northwest corner of block 20 Falls County school lands I Oil Company No 3 Perkins in the northwest corner of block 27 Bell County school lands has been treated with acid in the lime at 1- 440-51 feet and is showing oil Simms Oil Company No 1 Mrs Etta Taber a wildcat in the northeast part of block 5 Dallas County school lands in southeast Archer is drilling at 1000 feet Charles Martin et at No 2 Emma Sebeckells in the Milton-East survey abstract 740 northwest of Anarene is rigging up and ready to start Massey et al No 1 Falls in the southeast corner of block 71 Falls County school lands is drilling at 1- 020 feet OSCAR TOVGAS or 3 "41 Marine 014titch GROWS SIAMESE ----Ili" CUCUMBER5 Oti NS FARA 0 iNlmomisolpa (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) from 4240 to 4290 feet Continental No 1 Holt diagonal southeast offset to Atlantic No 1 Holt was bottomed at 3950 feet and was running 6in casing which was to be cemented Gilpin May Sh 6ot There was a probability that Frank Gilpin Jr et al No 1 11 Blakeney wildcat would be shot in an effort to develop production From several points it accumulated 100 feet of oil and showed a total of 1500000 cubic feet of gas daily before encountering sulphur water on Jan 25 from 43S9 to 4405 feet where drilling stopped After being shot down for 48 hours following bailing the test showed 350 feet of sulphur water and 250 feet of oiL No 1 Blakeney is 330 feet out of the southeast corner of section 22 block 3 township 2 south Ry Co survey 1 miles southwest of Steno lind No 2 Cowden the nearest producer Boderick Calvert et al No K-1 Cowden in section 16 block 43 township 2 south Ry Co survey 1 -miles northwest of Stanolind No 2 EF Cowden the nearest producer struck flowing salt water from 3665 to 3675 feet where operators ran 6-inch casing Humble No 1 Martin (Pegues) in the northeast corner of section 38 block 43 township 2 south By Co survey a south offset to Fred Turner Jr No B-1 Addis a producer showed oil and gas at revert points between 3733 and 3801 feet as it drilled with rotary Atlantic No 1 Jones one-half mile east and a quarter mile south of production In the Addis pool swabbed 45 barrels of oil in 24 hours before running tubing from completion at 4299 feet It was shot twice Its best pay being below the Addia producing horizon Upton Wildcat Planned Drilling of a 5000-foot Permian lime test in extreme northwestern 'Upton County is scheduled to be started within 60 days by Broderick Calvert and (Buck) York and Harper the latter of Midland The location has not been staked The operators have a block of almost 9000 acres in the corners of Upton Crane Ector and Midland Counties The Powell Gap Oil Company a 'trusteeship has been formed by Gruber and McCabe of San Angelo Harry Baldwin of Mc Carney and II Nolan of Fort Stockton for the development of a 160-acre lease in Upton County obtained from John Lane the southwest quarter of section 1 Railway Company survey A test In the center of the quarter section is scheduled to be started soon Continental No 2-C Cowden In Crane County in the northwest quarter of section Sl block Railway Company survey was treated with gallons of arid and a 253-barrel oil load stood 43 hours pumped 174 barrels In 12 hours shut down five hours then pumped 83 barrels of oil in six hours The well struck sulphur water In drilling to 2755 feet and plugged back before being shot with 200 quarts from 2330 to 2402 feet Glassco*ck Well Completed Humble No 4 Arrington in Glassco*ck County in section 22 block 33 township 2 south Railway Company survey bottomed at 2280 feet pumped 72 barrels of oil in two hours before being treated with 1000 gallons of acid and a 130-barrel oil load under 100 pounds pressure Humble No 2 Nat Washer in section 20 block 33 township 2 south Railway Company survey filled 1300 feet with oil in six hours from pay at 2122-33 feet and was scheduled to be treated with acid Simms No 4-A Coffee in section 15 block 33 township 2 south Railway Corn- pany survey prepared to test at 2121 feet after coring oil bearing lime from 2092 to 2112 and from 2114-21 feet and running 1000 gallons of acid under an SO-barrel oil load In Howard County Donnelly st al No 1 Bell (Magnolia) in section 12 block no township 1 south Railway Company survey was completed feet in lime for 180 barrels ofoil in 20 hours It recently was shot with 250 quarts from 2637 to 2802 feet Sinclair-Prairie No 2 Denman in section 10 block 30 filled 800 feet with oil in drilling broken pay from 2685 to 2801 feet Ward Adds Producers In northern Ward County Humble No F-1 University in section 2 block 16 offsetting two producers was completed at 2731 feet pumping 72 barrels of oil in 24 hours on a proration gauge It will flow its daily allowable of 29 barrels Gulf No 40 O'Brien showed gas at two points in drilling to 2664 feet in lime Paul Bundy et al No 1 Bennett in section 16 block 34 Railway Company survey after being shut down at 2632 feet since April 1933 wag shot with 81 quarts from 2509 to 2609 feet cleaned itself and made three heads totaling 20 barrels of oil A Thompson N'o 5 John-win in 9 block nt Ilailvvey Company survey topped pay at 2284 feet and wax taking a proration gauge at 2536 feet in lime Tbe California Company No 3 York struck an estimated 7000000 cubic feet of gas daily in drilling to 2330 feet in sand The same company's No 4 York developed theJulme estimated amount of gas in drilling to 2341 feet in sand Both wells are in section 10 block 34 Ii Railway Company survey Runnels Location Staked Fppenauer Drillitig Company No 1-0 Allen first Delaware producer in Loving County to be treated with without corn- pleted at 4309 feet flowing 91 barrels of oil the first 21 hours through Vi-inch tubing It was shot earlier Location is in section 90 block 1 Railway Company survey Guthrie No 1 Campbell in the northwest quarter of section 15 block lo Railway Company survey in fortes County topped pay at 2315 feet firittPel to 252 8 feet in lime swabb attI's of oil in 7 1 oLimmovemwtmermoomeml tommmoommomumphmomommi FIVE 2-ItICH SQUARES 71)GE7HEIZ- EQUAL 20 SQUARE INCHES CAN YOU FIT MEM TOGETHER To MAKE A SQUARE co*kTAININa ZOkt SQINCKES Artswet Next Surat' tog lam num he e'ht Ihkag fticilwe 24 Ezt9z4ai AUSTIN Feb on 20847 acres of potential oil producing land owned by the state school fund were asked Saturday by Walker state land commissioner The bids will be received March 7 Bids were advertised on 17072 acres of submerged land and 3774 acres in inland counties Commissioner Walker said his office had been "deluged" with applications to place the submerged lands on the market The tracts are in close proximity to areas already developed he said The submerged lands are in Brazoria Galveston Calhoun Matagorda and Nueces Counties Inland tracts were advertised in Culberson Tyler Ward Howard and Colorado Counties The following tracts were advertised by counties: 1 Lost Bay 80 acres tract 2 part- of Chocolate Bayou 1070 acres tract 6 Hall's Lake 240 acres Brazoria and 8 parts of Chocolate and West Bays zaso acres 4 parts of Chocolate and West Bays 2640 acres tract 5 part of West Bay 1750 acres Calhoun and 1 part of Gulf of Mexico 1300 acres tract 2 part of Matagorda Bay 1310 acres tract 3 part of Gulf of Mexico and Matagorda Bay 940 acres tract 4 part of Gulf of Mexico 15045 acres tracts all parts of Cayo Del A 1112 acres tract 1150 acres tract 0 940 acres tract 820 acres Culberson-682 acres in section 14 block 05 township 4 Railway survey 688 acres in section 24 block 65 township 4 Railway survey section 4 block 87 public school section 10 block 87 public school Tyler-240 acres In section 1 block 1 township 1 of Navigation Company survey 403 acres in section 8 of Railway survey Ward-64 acres in Holcomb survey 160 acres south half of south half of section 18 block 32 Railway survey Howard-13 acres In section 58 block 20 40 acres southeast part of section block 29 Colorado-100 acres section 048 A Fenner survey 55 acres west part of section 957 Albert Whitman Jr survey WOULD-BE ROBBER Is BEATEN TO DRAW VICTORIA Feb 3---George Byrd night watchman beat a would-be rob bet to the draw last night wounded him and arrested him and another man as they were looting a cafe here The men had parked a sedan in an alley at the rear of the cafe and bad entered through a window when Byrd saw them Ile fired twice the first shot wounding one of the men in the cheek The man dropped his pistol and surrendered Both rnen said they were from Missouri and gave officers an address in New Braunfels where they said their wives were staying The ear carried a license registered in an Antonio in the name of one of the men ROBBER TEN TO DRAW eh Byrd beat a would-be rob- last night wounded 'd him and another looting a cafe here )arked a sedan in en of the cafe and bad I window when Byrd fired twice the first tie of the men in the 2 dropped his pistol rd they were from 'e officers an address is where they said staying The ear registered in San name of one of the Ings 6 pence which the Lord paid by check without batting an eye His Lordship then commanded "Home" but upon arrival at his country house found the cabby again blocking his path "Two shillings for the trip home" the Imperturbable cabby demanded and the nobleman paid him the two shillings with perhaps the shadow of a smile THE EPIC OF THE In the afternoon of Sept 20 1837 Lord William Draggs hailed a cabby at Brighton Eng instructing him to drive to the Pier where the Lord's new yacht had just arrived Lord Draggs had originally intended to take an hour's trial run and told the driy- er to wait for his return But once aboard Ills Lordship found last The first to confront the traveler upon his landing was the cabby but Sir William evinced no surprise at all "How much?" he demanded Thereupon the most notable of cabbies reached into his pocket whence be pulled forth an itemized bill in which the waiting time was recoded day by day The total amounted to 989 pounds 15 shill that the yacht sailed so smoothly and the breeze was so refreshing that he decided there and then to take a trip around the world The cabby once told to wait did exactly that Ile waited day after day seated on his coach box whip in hand and smoking his pipe In the afternoon of May 12 1889 the return of Lord Dragg's yacht was signalled at I 1 'Ply Mill Mrs Geo In Woi T1 big eont kill 1 to I I It i 1 tion 1 sick Ill I I wits 1 recc 1 1 Ire The that I hay 1 erty i and i bay I are i disc i 1 givs One wor whi of 4 be casi FA i I lay Fac Rog $70 the lam fac for PI 1 Gu are rile last ver( MI 4 3 1 Cot Org Opn IV fil4 faneel 1 1 beta rec loel I cia Mill 4 Mrs Geo in i we LT' wg eo nt limi I to It i ton sick tilt re wi el ire The that hay erty and hay are dine 1 ivc -one ll'" 1)31- 4 'FA lay Fa( the 1 Ian! fac ''1nO -fOr are he last ven LI1 3 Cot Org epn Tuf filt ine ree Oia Wanted: American Buggy at Least Hundred Years Old Juit Arrived I Arrived GASOLINE TONE Is IMPROVING 01111AL C011 TY TEST WATIJHED Young County (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 By Associated Press WASHINGTON Feb 3----Wanted: One genuine American buggy in good state of preservation must be at least 100 years old If you have one let the Smithsonian Institution know about it and your ancient vehicle may take I place with Colonel Lindbergh's airplane in the pageant of transportation represented by the ancient and modern vehicles on- display there By Associated Press WASHINGTON Feb 3--Wanted: One genuine American buggy in good state of preservation must be at least 100 years old If you have one let the Smithson- Ian Institution know about it and your ancient vehicle may take I with Colonel Lindbergh's air- plane in the pageant of transporta- lion represented by the ancient and modern vehicles on- display there that was distinctly and indisputably nearly 1 00 years giv- American And it held sway as the speediest and most comfortable road conveyance Ing way reluctantly even to the automobile which at first was nothing but a buggy with an engine attached All American transportation de vices except- the buggy had their or-place igin in Europe says Carl Oitman curator of arts and industries in the Smithsonian Institution Even the covered wagon of pioneer days was A modern there are developed from an English farm many still in use despite the automo- wagon do for the museum is try- The buggy with a small rectanguing to trace the grandfather of all the lar body mounted with crosswise buggies which probably was built springs on four large wheels was the about 1820 by some genius whose first breakover from the old idea that name is forever lost a vehicle bad to be heavy in order to Whoever be was be give to the be strong The buggy was strong and World the only horse-drawn vehicle light and also cheap 000 barrels against 1843000 barrels North Louisiana-Arkansas 400000 barrels against 405000 barrels Rocky Mountain 1250000 barrels against 1- 586000 barrels California 10750000 barrels against 12325000 barrels The Nation's allowable for March 1934 is about 9 per cent below actual stocks of March 31 1933 California and some interior districts show the largest percentage reductions Ruling prices in Group 3 follow: Gaeoline (Cents per gallon) trSMot 59 oct below (3d gd) 4 04 ILS91ot 60-64 oct (regular) 05 IJSIdot 65 up oot (pram) 50512 60-62 400 69 octane below 4 04 60-62 400 60-64 octane 5 05 60-62 400 65 UP octane 52406 64-66 375 end point 4 a 68-70 360 end point 5 05 (Above octane classifications based on new IP motor method) DU-DA 4U11 DU-Dt octane ON 60-62 400 65 up octane 64-66 375 end point 405 68-70 360 end point 5 5 (Above octane classifications based on new IT motormethod) 2023 feet also in southern McMullen County Sun Oil Company has temporarily suspended drilling in the new Cuevitas pool in northwestern Starr County Several producers have been completed and a sizable pool proven but it is far removed from pipe line In Jim Wells County Rodney De-Lange is moving in for his test two miles north of the two wells on the Seeligson property at Premont and Robertson of Fort Worth has location near Ben Bolt for a test on the Muil farm near the old Diamond test on the Doerring land but it will be some days before either spuds Amerada Petroleum Company after montheof delay with fishing jobs and no progress Made below 6065 feet in the No 1 Doerring in southwestern Frio County la at last making new hole and headed for completion depth at the Edwards lime Last depth reported is 6125 feet It topped the Buda lime at 6106 feet and with the chalk topped at 5470 feet Amerada No 1 Ila Iff Oppenheimer topped Edwards lime at 6312 feet It was a failure seven miles northeast In Wilson County the Bezar retroleum Company No 1 Houston northeast of Floresville has been abandoned without making a drill stem test KIN OF-MAN KILLED IN WELL ARE SOUGHT SHERMAN Feb are being sought bere of Richard Melton 50 who died last night as the result of chest injuries when a water-soaked plank fell on him Thursday while be was cleaning a well on a farm east of Sherman The body is being held at a funeral home Melton was 6 feet 2 inches tall weighed about 215 pounds and had light brown hair and blue eyes He came to Sherman from Ardmore Okla four years ago An uncle and Runt Nat Brown and Mrs Nola Brown and a daughter all of Fort Worth were the only relatives ever mentioned by Melton Births of 34 girls and 25 boys in Fort Worth were tworded last week by the Bureau of Vital Statistics They follow: Born to Mr and lc Boling 3015 Avenue boy Little 4137 Pershing boy Hack ler 138 West First boy Houston Owen 1717 West Twenty-fifth Street North boy Rosamond 4432 Wellsiew boy Vi Sparks 2810 North Main boy William Curtis Keller boy Floyd Fry Smithfield boy Jernigan :619 Glendale boa James Kirbie 3018 North Harding boy Lane 3122 Ellis boy Turpin 1012 West Bluff boY Barnard 217 Odessa boy Enia 2413 Ben boy I Grammer 1414 Bessie boy Hick 1124 Tucker buy Hogan 1218 Jefferson b01 Odom 22I5 Ellie boyE Patrick 4164 Bryant boy Smoot 1700 Gamble boy Stark 1121 East Tucker bor Crider 503 PI Bluff boy Johnnie Gee 2212 Calhoun boy Rex Breckenridge Granbury Road boy Leisher Lake Worth boy Gordon 1108 Fairmount girl Hale 4601 Pershing girl Jones 208 Lowden girl I King 2622 West Twenty-fifth Street North girl A Milburn 2721 Chestnut girl A Walker 2333 South Adama William CAS 2405 Lee girl IL Dalt on 12:1 Baltimore girl Davis 3300 Avenue alti IL Hightower 2112 Townsend Drive girl Lewis 2220 Avenu 1 1911- I Smith 2303 Chestnut girl Burks Seminary Hill girl WHenry Dehart 1311 Galventon girl street I Radford 4000 Linden ltr tCagnirtrhell Northwest Twenty-seventh Shoat 511 Ryan girl Stnith 1734 Washington Towneend 160 Mount Vernon girl Patrick 1011 Porter girl Th Gentry 1333 Evans Avenue II Hazy Aledo twin girls 3 211 Serack 12114 Main girl 2 Skipworth 1731 East Tucicer I irl Doriehue 1102 East BroadwItY girl A Silts Ardmore girl 'Watts 1203 Roo girl 1-terry -Jothrigort 2121 Lflhian McCauley' 3311 James girl 1414 Stella girl 0-roldr1117 14)3 Mast gri Floyd( Arnold 1111 Texas girL A Watson ti atson 1004 ast Hate 611 erls and 25 boys in reeorded last week of Vital Statistics 0 'rid DIS Avenue IL 1 Pershinin bov Vest First boy West Twenty-filth 1 Weliview boy North Maine boy boy Id boy 9 Glendale boy rth Harding boy lig boy set Bluff boY Odessa boy boy Bessie boy Tucker boy Jefferson bo ilin boy 3ryant boy amble boy Mt Tucker bt4 If boy tlhoun boy Granbury goad bd nbo yg Fairmount girl -tolling girl Vest Twenty-fifth Thostout girl Ioutb Ittri' girl Baltimore 1111 tvenu girl 1 Townsend Drive ramie 7 eft oetnut girl try Hill 1111- at Twenty-seventb 57 allitiunngttori 'Vernon Porter girl na Avenue girt twin girls Main girt 31 East Tucher 2 East BroadwaY girl losn ir1 Lillian Kiri 11 James g'rlfells KiriMast Bluff Texas girl-East Hew I in 10 feet of sand topped at 2285 feet Singleton et al No 1 Henderson a wildcat test in A Hill survey abstract 127 northeast of Herron City is drilling at 500 feet Northwest of South Bend fonr miles Christie Brothers No 1 Holcomb a deep test in wildcat territory treated lime at 3770-80 feet with acid without Euccess and Is drilling ahead at 3800 feet Three wells were added in the shallow pool north of Newcastle as a result of increased drilling in this section Kleiner et al finished their No 4 and No 5 Belknap Coal Company in section 21 survey with combined daily output of 340 barrels from the sand at 690 feet Belknap Coal Company No B-4 fee section 21 survey is rated at 95 barrels pumping from pay at 697 to 704 feet Dinsmore Stills No 1 IT Neeley in section 176 survey west of Olney is abandond at 1175 feet Beaver White Duncan No I Belknap-Remington in the southwest 80 acres of block 2248 survey is showing 40 barrels from lime at 560-69 feet The well is the first completion reported in Time in this pool However many of the wells producing in the Larimore pool from a sand formation have passed this lime without a test to continue to the Taack or 690-foot pay The Texas Company No A-8 Nora Finch in the northeast quarter of block 38 survey is abandoned at 850 feet Petroleum Producers No 8 IL flurries in section 1365 survey northwest of Jean is feeling for the sand and drilling et GOO feet Associated Developers Company No 1 Brazelton a 4209-foot wildcat test lin the southwest part of section 286 I survey southwest of Jean townsite is drilling at 900 feet SAN JUAN BASIN MAY GET DEEP TEST FOR OIL MIDLAND Feb 3---Likelihood of a deep oil test is seen in preparations to drill in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico The test will be drilled by Tom Irwin et al in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 19 township 28 is two miles southeast of the gutz north range 10 west The location Canyon gas field 11 I 4 I medeaVI1 JONES JUDGE SEEKS DISTRICT ATTORNEYSHIP 'ANSON Feb 3--0t13 Miller Min- ty judge of Jones County and former GOVERNMENT WORKERS president of the Texas County Judge and Commissioners Association an- INCREASED BY 3640 nounced this week for the office of district attorney of the One Hundred WASHINGTON Feb 3--An in-Fourth District composed of Taylor crease of 3640 Government workers Jones and Fisher Counties under executive civil service was re-Judge Miller will be opposed by ported today by the Civil Service Cunningham Abilene present dis- Commission for December trict attorney and Graye Brown' Ab- The total was 501675 at the end Rene present county attorney of Tay- of the year With exception of 1930 lor County and 1931 it was the largest since Judge Miller has served two terms 1921 The war peak was 917760 as county judge of Jones County and The aggregate monthly payroll for was very active in a movement for the December was $80414085 en in-reform of county government of Texas crease of more than $3000000 over He was also chairmen of the Twenty- November fourth Senatorial District dry forces The statistics do not include men aso enrolled in the Civilian Conservation Oil Exhibits Cost $10000000 Corps the number of which increeqed More than ten millions of dollars from 286125 for November to 206- of exhibits of the latest in machinery 783 for December Equipment scientific inventions and N1Torkere outside Washington rum-devices for the oil industry will be on bered 516225 compared with 5 1 display May 12 to 19 at the eighth 904 for November those in Wash-International Petroleum Exposition ington totaled 75450 an increase and Congress to be held in Tulsa of 2310 GAS LINE COMPLETED MIDLAND Feb 3--Wo rk me have completed laying a new six-inch gasline from the Paso-Tex gas wells near Jai to the United States Potash Company's mine in southeastern Eddy County AIRLINE PILOTS VOTE FOR COMPANY UNION WASHINGTON Feb National Labor Board discovered today that an election contlueted by it among the pilots of tbe Transcontinental and Western Air Line bad resulted in a 50 to 31 decision in favor of a company union and against the American Federation of Labor affiliate the Air Line Pilots Association The election vas the thirty-ninth conducted by the board and a summary of the result showed that 25 per cent bad been won by company unions and the remainder by outside unions seven hours and shut down for storage The 'Melrose Oil Corporation of San Angelo staked a location in Runnels County for a scheduled 3500-foot test on Mrs Wood's land 150 feet from the northeast line and 2475 feet from the wEst line of Willett Holmes sumy 100 The wildcat will be on 1027 acres out of the 4369-acre block which A Billicgsley of San Angelo leased late in 1933 for Frank Lh Magie of Duluth Minn Owns Most Autos Americans own 72 per rent of the 330001000 motor vehicles in the worid Fifty-five steam railroad operated 1246 motor buses over 25638 miles of routes in 1933 I t4iLb'mwamo IIMENWEEPIWAINEmomm gymiummmmonneonimEINIErna 2'?.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.