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Hi all. So I had my d&c for my 10 week loss (or 8 if you count when baby stopped growing) on December 1. of course I had a stupid glimpse of hope today and wanted to check if maybe I was ovulating. Of course it came up super bold on the cheap test so I knew that was off, took a cheap preggo test and first a line came up and I felt optimistic, but slowly that plus formed. I bit the bullet and used my digital test and it came up pregnant. It hurt to see. As I am approaching 2 weeks post d&c I’m looking for input from others who have experienced this, how long was it before you saw a negative again and ovulated again if you tracked? I have my follow up on Thursday and I will let the OB know. I’m still bleeding too, but it’s more brown/old gunk. I just want so badly to move forward and try again. Seeing all these Christmas baby announcements hurt even more this year because that was supposed to be me. I’m really hurting
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Hey, I’m almost at 4 week post D&C and I was the same with how far along you were…I’m just now getting vvvvvvvvfl like no one would see them other then crazy POAS addicts…so yeah it can take a while. The hCG drastically affects the LH strips. Hope that helps! So sorry for your loss. It hurts to see positives.
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thank you for sharing! Yeah I totally should have waited. I feel crazy trying to get back to trying as soon as possible when I should probably just wait for my period to get back to avoid all this insane tracking
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nah I totally get it, we’ve been “trying” the whole time even though I’m sure I haven’t ovulated…It’s frustrating, I track everything obviously. It’s so hard not knowing what’s going on in my body. I just want to ovulate or get a period…anything to get out of this limbo!
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that will be me once I *hopefully* get the clear at my follow up on Thursday. I have a feeling I’m not gonna be able to catch the surge this month with my hormones all haywire. It will probably be easier after the period returns. It’s the worst waiting game!
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I shouldnt have tested! Same situation here. Had d&c at 10weeks Dec 7, baby’s heart stopped at 8weeks. Test strips still showing super positive. I believe my hcg was at 50k at 8weeks
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girl it’s the worst. I wish I could just fast forward past all this waiting. Seeing that positive sucked
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It took me about 3.5 weeks post miscarriage to get a BFN
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thank you for sharing!
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I had D&C at 8.5 weeks.
It took me 5 weeks to get to hcg=11, and then my period showed up about 4 days later when HCG would have been about 5.
The little bits of hope that come and go are hard. I was super depressed it was taking so long, then I had some hope when period showed up. Now i'm waiting for ovulation, which is very very late and losing hope again.
Its a slow *** process. I'm sorry.
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thank you for sharing! This may be a dumb question but does hcg have to hit 0 for period to come? Or do we get a slight rise in hcg regardless when period rolls around?
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My doc told me she thought I would ovulate when hcg got below 5 and then period two weeks after. But I ovulated (or tried to) at hcg=50 and got period 14 days later at hcg=5
There are stories on here of women getting period while home tests still positive and some that have negative tests and don’t get period for several weeks.
Seems each body is a little different
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thank you for sharing! I don’t think I’m gonna be able to catch that LH surge this month unless I spend a fortune on preg and OV tests. I feel like it’d prob be easier to just wait until after my period returns ��
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I too wondered the same thing because I had my D&C on December 1st and was 9 weeks along. I haven’t had my hcg tested but I have a 2 weeks post op appointment on the 20th. Hoping to find out what it’s at then!
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I noticed on my cheap preg test the second line was slower to come up than the first time I took it when I got pregnant so I’m hoping by next week it might say negative. My follow up is Thursday and I’m wondering if they will take blood or not to check hcg
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mine is on the 20th too! Hope everything goes well!
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I hope yours goes well, too!!
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Hi, I’m sorry your going through this. I’m my experience it takes several weeks to get a negative… the further along I’ve been the longer it takes. Hang in there, your cycle will return, just might take a little long than you’d hope.
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thank you for the support ��
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I am 20 days past miscarriage (no D&C) and still testing way positive with at home tests. I am sad for the loss but also eager and hopeful to start cycling again. My doc wants me to do recurring bloodwork until I get hcg below 5. Anyone else doing this?? Seems a bit invasive. I've been through enough.
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That's how I was feeling too. :( But now that I'm 3 weeks past, I feel like I can muster up the strength to go. There were some good responses in this thread about the peace of mind. Appreciate everyone's perspectives and having somewhere to go to ask these things!!
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my MVA was done on November 23rd, I was 9w exactly when mmc was confirmed,
my first negative test was yesterday December 13th! I'm not tracking anything just waiting til period arrives before even thinking about any of that or it just causes more stress but as soon as my period starts I'll be trying again like a mad woman x
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lol �� trying like a mad woman are my exact thoughts! Lmaooooooo
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Good luck to us all x
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Hey just thought I'd share my experience for anyone looking for stories about this. I had a missed miscarriage at 9.5 weeks (baby measured 9wks) and a d&c at 11 weeks. Ar 6wks post D&C I am still getting faint positives on first response early result HPT but just found out my blood HCG level is below 5. My Dr had no explanation for why I am continuing to get faint positives at that level but told me to stop testing and gave me the green light to try again this cycle. I think maybe those tests are just SUPER sensitive?
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